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Job!! Help!


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well, ive been in my current job for just iver a year, and kets say i love it .... but the wages are pants ... big pants! I dropped 2k to come here anyway, and got told in my interview that it would be reviewed ....... well i had my review yesterday and basically they said there was no way that they could give me what i want.....

but to bear with them and they will see what they can do .....

so i asked, bear with you for how long... well "March, April, May" time!

WTF! :blink:

I cant afford to sit and wait to find out that long..... If i knew it was going to happen then i would wait ... but i dont! ... even just some light at the end of teh tunnel :unsure: ...... but my manger just thinks im joking im sure!

so do i leave the Job i Love?? :wub: just cos money is pants, and find a better paid job that i could hate???? hmmm......

and my current job is very good with letting me have time off for the horses :thumbsup:

I just dont know!! :unsure:
Did i mention its a multi million £££ company??? That can afford to pay! but is too tight to!
There's a lot to be said about being happy at your job :))
I work for a big company and my wages are rubbish but i am happy in my job, my friend gets loads more money doing near enough the same thing but hates it! i would rather be on less money and like my job rather than loads of money and hate it, at the end of the day i spend alot of my time at work.
my mum works in a job that she loves but the money is pants and she got so fed up with the rubbish wage she went on a few interviews and was ofered a place that was almost £3000 a year more. she took it and only on her second to last day in her old job did her boss bring her in to the office and say we will match the money if you stay cause we need you (w00t)

so as you can guess she stayed put and is now extremley happy.

this could have went the other way and she could have moved and not liked the new job.

but i deffinatly think its worth making it known that you are at least looking for another place that way if they do want to keep you then they will make a point of keeping you.

good luck what ever you do.

There is a lot to say for being happy, believe it or not cash is not everything :- "

You don't say what you do, could you easily get another job with more pay and similar hours to suit you?
Turning 40 today has made me really think about where we are in life

And being happy has to be the main concern

Reaised today thet money is not everything and happiness is something to be savoured

Make the decision carefully and remember life is too short to be unhappy


You dont know whats round the corner


Shona :thumbsup:
For the last 10 years I've been in a job I absolutely loved. It was part time, working with animals, I had weekends off so there was no problem getting time of for agility shows :- "

I was left to my own devices & pretty much did the job to suit myself. Perfect.

Then a brand new committee took over & everything started to change. It got to the point where I was not sleeping, was drinking far too much & was just miserable. I had 2 choices, stay & be miserable & probably end up being told to go anyway. (I was being pulled up for all sorts of trivial things & just had the feeling I was being hounded out) Me...Paranoid :- "

Choice 2...leave before it all got too much to bear.

So I took choice 2 (w00t) (w00t)

And now I've no job at all but I'm so much happier now. All the pressure has just gone. (Unfortunately so has the regular paypacket)

It was a tough decision to make & I do miss the job lots but something else will come along (I hope)

I'm a believer that things happen for a reason, even if it's not too clear at the time what that reason is.

So, I'd say just follow your gut instinct & do what just feels right for you.

Best of luck with whatever you decide :luck:

If it's purely financial reasons that are pushing you to move then there could be another option that may be available to you, that being reducing your hours and looking for another part-time position elsewhere, it may help you make a decision over the long term as well.

Another possibility with a large company is to see if you can find people within that company that are doing the same job as you on a higher wage although this could cause conflictions and usually involves you getting the union in. A more positive move (which is the one I did) is basically to increase your skills, when I came up for my next review these skills were acknowledged and my pay was increased appropiately.

Personally I think it's easy to live beyond your means and even with a pay increase you'll just absorb it and still be in the situation of needing more money (this is not a direct criticism at you Tinker, it's something we're all guilty of and of course I have no idea of whether your situation financially is dire or not - I sincerely hope it isn't)

One thing I would say is that money comes and goes, time is irreplacable, if they're generous with the latter, I'd be inclined to stay put, especially if those hours in work fly by because your enjoying the job. :thumbsup:

Good luck whatever you decide. :luck:

wild whippies said:
If it's purely financial reasons that are pushing you to move then there could be another option that may be available to you, that being reducing your hours and looking for another part-time position elsewhere, it may help you make a decision over the long term as well.Another possibility with a large company is to see if you can find people within that company that are doing the same job as you on a higher wage although this could cause conflictions and usually involves you getting the union in. A more positive move (which is the one I did) is basically to increase your skills, when I came up for my next review these skills were acknowledged and my pay was increased appropiately.

Personally I think it's easy to live beyond your means and even with a pay increase you'll just absorb it and still be in the situation of needing more money (this is not a direct criticism at you Tinker, it's something we're all guilty of and of course I have no idea of whether your situation financially is dire or not - I sincerely hope it isn't)

One thing I would say is that money comes and goes, time is irreplacable, if they're generous with the latter, I'd be inclined to stay put, especially if those hours in work fly by because your enjoying the job. :thumbsup:

Good luck whatever you decide. :luck:


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:blink: Strange seeing this post today. Im in exactly the same position now. I have worked at the same place for 10 years. Last year my job changed (new management) and I had to reapply for my job but it had changes. Flexi hours, no overtime pay but time off in lieu, bit more money...3 months working plan so we would know what job was coming up..... cant even manage 3 days. The stress in horrendous, everthing is done as a mad rush, they change the plan that often that it has to be looked at 2/3 times a day never mind a week and we are always too busy to use up accrued flexi hours. Currently Im owed over 40 hours. :angry: Ive had such a bad week that Im thinking of not going back after the weekend, I too feel Im being hounded out and Im not the only one. :(

My OH has seen the change in me over the last year - so Ive come to the conclusion that life is too short. I am going to go back to part time work so I can spend more time with my family and dogs and get back to my normal self or I might even go back to college to learn something new :thumbsup: :luck:
It is hard being in a job you hate, it doesn't get better, you will have to weigh everything up - the horses, prospects, travelling time etc. Not many jobs allow you time for the commitment you need to the horses either. I've been lucky have worked shfts for 22 years now and have managed them ok.

I would look around for something that makes you happy, sometimes having more wages means we spend more :- " when really it isnt necessary. We can get by on lower wages with better job satisfaction or having a life.

Since being off work i have realised that having a good wage isnt the be all and end all.
I was in a job that I liked but gradually things got more hectic and I was getting stressed. I was starting to consider leaving when in the matter of minutes the decision was made for me, I was dismissed.

I am now in 2 part time jobs that suit me well and far less stress and one of my bosses treat me like one of the family.