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Jimmy Saville's Legacy


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i was watching the re-run of Top of the Pops from 1979 on BBC4 which used to be a joy has now become a bit of a nightmare for me.

Abba were on singing The Name of the Game and Anni-Fid was coyly singing the line "I'm a bashful child beginning to grow" - the show was in safe hands with David "Kid" Jensen, who no one would ever suspect of doing anything awful, until it was time for the number one - Baccara's I Can Boogie and he turned to the young girl standing next to him and said "can you boogie?" and she replied "yes" so he then said "I'll have to see that later" :oops:

Last night on Children in Need - Aled Jones said he needed to 'Lie down in a dark room' and Terry Wogan said: "Do that and we will ply you with Maidens and Wine' :wacko:

Will it ever be the same again!
It's sad isn't it? The destruction of the innocence of the poor children who were abused is what people focus upon, but for those of us who weren't involved I don't think any of us assumed that the innuendo and cheery smily cuddles were masking such horrors. The sudden upheaval which makes you start suspecting even where there is nothing at all suspect happening is such a shame for all of the genuinely innocent people, both adult and child.

On top of everything else, suspecting every adult damages genuinely innocent adult-child relationships, so I think society needs to find a way to be vigilant but without harming the children by making adults so hands-off in order not to be suspected by others of doing something untoward. This witch hunt has got to the point that I feel pretty offended on behalf of all of the men who have healthy and appropriate relationships with the children around them, whether they're their own children or not, but who will be looked at in a suspecting manner in future.

Growing up I had great support from several men in my life, from my piano teacher to my physics teacher at school. How sad would it be if, because of the legacy of Jimmy Savile, attitudes got so paranoid that this sort of relationship was deemed inappropriate even when it's so clearly positive? That would fail future children so much.
I have started meeting two of my 5 grandchildren from school as they pass the end of our road. I often have Kinder eggs or some new, small toy as a treat for them, but I often feel uncomfortable whilst standing wating.

Just a Nana waiting for her grand kids but the stares and odd looks make me feel I am up to something suspicious! As you say, society has deteriorated to such a degee, that everyone is deemed guilty unless proved innocent!!

All we can do is teach our children/grandh children the importance of staying in groups, not responding to strangers and go from A to B as quickly and safely as possible. My daughter confessed now that the twins are at Middle school, they come home with "words" they had not heard before! She is so sensitive bless her! Worried that all their hard work will be undone by what they encounter in the bigger, wider world. I assured her that their foundation would keep them grounded, but it is sad.... :ermm:

Jimmy Savile is probably one of many who befriended the young, and abused his position of trust with them. His reputation will be tarnished forever because of it. Let's hope this is a strong warning to other would-be perverts who think they can get away with this sort of thing!!

Sadie x
I found some of Wogans quips during children in need highly inappropriate under the circumstances

I feel so sad that all this has happened...almost feel my own childhood has been violated...just cos I loved watching jim'll fix it etc
Its amazing that one man who has allegeded cases against him can dominate the media yet 1000;s of proven cases against catholic priests worldwide never gets airtime