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Jasper's taught himself a trick


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I was doing a bit ot training just now, and when I'd done, Jasper rubbed his eye/face. 'Have you got a tickle?' I said. He looked pointedly at me. 'Have you got a tickle?' He rubbed his eye and looked at me again. I paused...

'Have you got a tickle?'.... He rubbed his eye. I realised he'd taught himself a new trick, and now expected a treat!

We had a few more goes, but now I'd understood what was going on, he decided to lower the criteria, and just dipped his head and lifted a paw before asking for a treat... the he just got frustrated because it wasn't getting him the treat.

We've been here before... I trained 'Shy boy' years ago, when he was supposed to cover his eyes with his paw... but again, he kept lowering the criteria, and then getting upset and looked so pitiful I'd give him the treat anyway, till 'Are you a shy boy?' would elicit an almost imperceptible dip of the head and lift of the paw. We're not very good at shaping:oops:

What do you reckon? I don't want to just wait it out till I get a 'proper' response or he'll just get upset, and try sitting, bowing, barking, anything to try to get a treat. Should I 'capture' a few more occasions when he has a real tickle? Or stick 'Post-it' notes to his face?
Lol just enjoy the "proper" way while it lasts, even if it only lasts a few times :) and reward J for just being a good boy and an entertainer.
I do like him to have a few party tricks though. People love it when they give him a treat, I say to him, 'What do you say?' and he barks in response. Though then I have to give him another treat for saying 'Thank-woof':D