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Jane Madgwick

Doreen Hopkins

New Member
Reaction score
Poor Jane had to be admitted to hospital again on Monday. She isn't very well at all.

Hopefuly after a few days in hospital things will settle down and then they will let her home for Christmas.

Best wishes to you both

Doreen & Bill
:thumbsup: If you see Bert, Doreen, please give my best wishes for Janes' speedy recovery! :wub:
Poor Jane, I really hope that she is able to be at home with her family soon. Lots of love and healing thoughts to you both xx
Poor Jane, hope shes feeling better and is home soon.
Hope you feel better soon Jane. Love from Pat and Bob. x
Hope your soon feeling better Jane best wishes for a speedy recovery

Fiona & john x
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Hope you're home for Christmas Jane, and Bert and Josh cook you a lovely dinner.

All the best,

Judith :luck:
hope she out for xmas,get well soon :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
get well soon,hope you get home for xmas :luck: