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Jan Fennell


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Does anyone have any opinions on Jan Fennell's method of dog training, two friends have just been on one of her courses and think very highly of the method she uses. Does anyone else here have any experience or thoughts about this.

Not for me personally.

I find some of the things ludicrus - like prentending to eat from their bowl and not allowing them to greet you when you come home. How could anyone ignore their dogs when they walk through the door? :(

I think she presumes all dogs are trying to be dominant and you must always keep them in thier place. Perhaps it might be useful with some dogs but I really dont think the majority of dogs are like that - my lot all lie of the sofa and in our bed and we have no dominance problems with them.

Clicker training worked really well for us.
I think she presumes all dogs are trying to be dominant and you must always keep them in thier place. Perhaps it might be useful with some dogs but I really dont think the majority of dogs are like that - my lot all lie of the sofa and in our bed and we have no dominance problems with them.

I agree 100% ..........She's a great trainer, but does seem to put all problem's down to dominance .......and does all of this "lets always keep the dog in its place" training .......I alway's pretend to eat out of my dog's bowls when they're pup's, and alway's make them wait at doorways etc ......but I do think she's a bit OTT :oops: .......Still a good trainer though .........Nothing like a bit of give and take IMHO .......and if that dosn't work .....bribe them lol :lol:
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Rae said:
I think she presumes all dogs are trying to be dominant and you must always keep them in thier place.  Perhaps it might be useful with some dogs
What you must remember is that she breeds ESS!! Says it all really. I don't know about dominant ........... thick maybe and they certainly need to be kept in their place!!! LOL!
I've read a couple of her books and would like to go on the course, have used the five minute rule method with my hounds when they were jumping up at the children - can see the methods working with problem dogs
Crystal said:
I've read a couple of her books and would like to go on the course, have used the five minute rule method with my hounds when they were jumping up at the children - can see the methods working with problem dogs
what is the 5 min rule?????
Most if not all of the experienced dog trainers/behaviourists that I know don't think much of her at all.

She's held in ridicule by them. Personally I wouldn't waste my money.
5 minute rule is where you ignore excited dog and do not make eye contact or any verbal commands until they've calmed down, you make the initial greeting on your terms in your own time. My very large lurcher use to hare up the hall to greet us knocking everyone flying , after doing 5 minute rule method she calmed down - apparently the theory behind this is the pack leader greets on their own time and ignores unwanted contact therefore maintaining position of 'boss'
I went to an evening with her a few weeks ago, to raise money for the local dog rescue - to be honest I thought most of it was a load of tosh!!

I agree with stuff like the 5 minute rule - makes perfect sense to me, it rewards the dog with attention when it is showing the behaviour you want i.e. being quiet

But as for the rest of the evening, I felt that she likes the sound of her own voice too much, she gave too many anecdotes (sp) of how her methods worked, showing how great she was and how dopey or stupid other dog owners are, but it was too unstructured and there were no real working examples of what she was telling us - far too preachy for me! I like to see how it happens, otherwise how can I understand how it works :unsure:

anyone who asked questions about their dogs behaviour were just told that it was their fault for not being in charge - very helpful, not! :wacko:

anyway, I would advise that you read, look and listen to everything and take the bits that make sense to your own situation :thumbsup:
There are certain aspects of Jans work that I find pretty acurate. The five minute rule is not one of them however. When it comes to the making it look as though you are eating from the bowl. I have found this method really successful, especially when Im training a dog that has become very dominant. Ignoring your dogs is a very hard thing to do, I personally cannot do it and I have been training dogs for eleven years.

When it comes to dog training, I would say theory and experience are the key aspects. I started off by reading every training book I could get my hands on. Different training methods, you dont have to pick one particular method, you and mix and match. Then I began training my own dogs that I owned. I love dogs and getting to train them for my work is basically saying I have my dream job.
Personally I am not keen on Jan Fennell's methods, I think they are very dated. I have found clicker training to be effective with my dogs, reward-based training with firmness, fairness and consistency. I agree she does labour heavily on the "dominance theory" and I think what she does, works with her own particular dogs, but would they work on other peoples'?

Don't know if any of you saw her TV programmes a couple of years back, but I would say that to anyone who knew absolutely nothing about dog training, they would come across as very confusing. It could have been the way the programmes were edited, but nothing she said was made clear, and she seemed to jump about from one topic to another, without actually clarifying what she was trying to say or do. She seems very excitable as a person but again, that might have been the editing.

I personally favour people like the late John Fisher, Jean Donaldson, Karen Pryor (sp?) and Ian Dunbar.

Not seen or heard much of her lately, but what put me off her was that she was (at the time of the tv show at least) heavily sponsored by IAMS.
Personally I've never heard of her but I see she is in a new TV show called the Dog Listener starting 6pm on 20th january on Animal Planet. I'll be watching to see what it's all about :thumbsup:
As others have already said, some bits of her training make sense, others are way OTT. The 5min rule works for our bedlington who goes berzerk :clown: when my o.h. comes back in the room (even if he's only been gone about 2 mins). If Neil reacts at all, even just look at the dog he goes twice as daft so ignoring him is the only way to calm him down. I also think John Fisher & Ian Dunbar make much more sense. J.F's Training Discs have worked brilliantly on my dog but maybe wouldn't affect a different less noise sensitive dog. As with everything, I suppose it's "Horses for Courses"
I went to an afternoon talk. I took some of the things on board.

Her methods obviously worked with her pack of 13 to 16 dogs, but how many of us have that many dogs?!

I thought that the talk would never end...................................

Just out of interest Cerito, what is she like to listen to in person? does she discuss a topic through properly, or zigzag about all over the place, which is what she seems to do when I've seen her on TV?

And does she pause for breath, or does she breathe through her ears (sorry that's naughty of me! but that's the impression I get of her :)) )
wilfred said:
Just out of interest Cerito, what is she like to listen to in person?  does she discuss a topic through properly, or zigzag about all over the place, which is what she seems to do when I've seen her on TV?
And does she pause for breath, or does she breathe through her ears (sorry that's naughty of me!  but that's the impression I get of her  :))   )

basically, you've got it right!

it was all a bit dis-jointed, there was no format, no handouts, no film clips, no real examples

when anyone asked a question, her general answer was 'that's because you are not in charge, that's because your dog is better than you, that's because your dog thinks you are stupid'

and it lasted 3 hours!!!!!!
Hi Wilfred

Mmmmm you might be right about the ears!

I don't remember too much of the detail, but she was a very strong speaker. Perhaps she was a bit harsh when people asked questions.

She said that if you are not enjoying walking your nightmare dog why walk it? Whenever my OH was away I used to ensure that I took our 3 greyhounds for a walk because I had to. This was a nightmare when we saw cats (one dog going for the others), and we all got home thoroughly miserable. I took her advice, and as it was only on rare occaisions that they didn't get a walk, we were all much happier! It was simple!

I think that if you ignore a greyhound for 5 minutes when you get home you will break its heart :wub:

She has done for the novice (clueless) dog owners of the world the same Monty Roberts did for the horse world. If you know dogs then most of what she says is common sense and most of us do it with out thinking, i also help run a gsd forum and we get alot of people on there asking for help and i recommend they read her book to get a greater understanding of their dog and the problems that they have and then take from it what works for them rather than trying to follow the whole lot foot perfect and that has seemed to work, i dont know anyone who completely ignores their dogs when they come in unless of course you have about 5 tesco bags in each hand and shouting get down give me a sec to put this lot down :lol:

I think she explains to the novices what they should have learnt before they went out and got a dog. I would never go buy an animal until i understood how to care for and train it. Maybe we should have training schools for dog owners like you have horse riding schools, learn first before you go and buy at least that way people would work out a dog isnt for them before they brought it and sent it to rescue :- "
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littleminx said:
i dont know anyone who completely ignores their dogs when they come in unless of course you have about 5 tesco bags in each hand and shouting get down give me a sec to put this lot down  :lol:
Hmmmmmmm. ........... sounds very familiar! LOL!