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Jake Is Here, Hooray!!!!!


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Jake is my new boy, and Ollie is in Luuuurve :wub:

The two boys are getting on famously since Thursday night, no fighting just lots and lots of playing.

They sleep in the same bed, they eat out of the same bowl and even play with the same toy (well we all know that the one someone else has is ALWAYS nicer than yours lol)

Happiness is a little brother to play with........

Ooops, put that last one on wrong, sorry!

Listen, I know that he loves me and everything, but can someone please get him off, I'm trying to sleep too you know.....

Beautiful :wub: :wub: :wub:

they look very happy together
Fawn lovely fawn! :wub:
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Tracy - Jake and Ollie look so happy together :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Hope everything works out really well after the traumas of the last few weeks! :wub: :thumbsup:

They are both such handsome boys :wub: :huggles: :wub:
Jake looks gorgeous !! :wub:
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Jake is lovely Tracy :wub: - Im so happy for you and things have worked out in the end. :thumbsup: :luck:
He's so lovely that he's almost edible Tracy. :wub: It's lovely to see them so together.
Congratulations on getting Jake, they both look so happy together :thumbsup:

Awww Tracy Jake and Ollie look so cute together. :wub: :wub: Love his name :thumbsup: Good luck with him :luck:
He's a lovely looking lad........Hope all your troubles are behind you now. Oops :b of course they're not, the devil whippet puppy hasn't visited you yet :D :D :lol: :devil:
Awww a happy ending,lovely :huggles: :huggles:
So glad that Jake is settling in well with Ollie. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: They look very happy together. :huggles: :huggles: How old is Jake?
Jake is lovely, so is Ollie. Good luck with them both. :wub: :huggles:
aahh :wub: how adorable they look, they're so sweet together
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pamalkie said:
Awww Tracy Jake and Ollie look so cute together. :wub:   :wub: Love his name :thumbsup: Good luck with him :luck:

Sorry, I did have guilt pangs but we went through the entire alphabet, it was a nightmare :blink:
~Sarah~ said:
So glad that Jake is settling in well with Ollie.  :thumbsup:   :thumbsup: They look very happy together.  :huggles:   :huggles: How old is Jake?
Jake is 14 weeks compared to Ollies 24, bedlam believe me :wacko:
How sweet... now you might have a troublesome twosome on your hands!! They are gorgeous :wub: