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Jackchowa Peeing On The Sofa Us And Everywhere


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i have a 5 month old jackchowa she is called phoebe and pees everywhere with no attempt to tell us she needs to pee she just squats n wees to the point she can be sat on your knee alseep n pee or jump to sit on yr lap squat n pee right in front of us and this is the same on the carpet she goes upstairs n poos so we cant see it.. she knows its wrong after she has done ot because she will cower or hide i dont know what to do although we work fron 8-5 my dad comes every afternoon and takes her on an hours walk and we walk her at night we let her out 1st thing and before bed for long enough to do her business and have seen her do it sge then comes in and pees everywhere we are at a loss what to do please someone help or advise how to stop this
She shouldn't be peeing in her sleep, so that is very unlikely to be a training issue. You really need to get her checked out by your vet

I hope you get to the bottom of this quickly. It does sound unpleasant to live with, and it sounds like your dog isn't too happy either
Hello there and welcome to Dog Forum...

Liek Strix said, that isn't behavior, that sounds medical..

off to the vet!
sounds like a dis function of the urethra valve, some bitches get this after being speyed but as a pup it seems more likely a health issue than anything else, is her wee normal in colour or have any strong smell or any discharge you can see like mucus ?? if it is a health issue rather than a training issue im sure your vet will be able to help, one of our dogs can wee in her sleep on occasion we have some propalin syrup from the vets wich works very quickly, she may need a short dose of something to sort her out or it could be lifelong treatment depending on what is found. Hope you find a solution soon
A few questions:

1 What is a jackchowa?

2 Have you owned a dog before?

3 What have you been doing to housetrain it?

4 Do you own a crate?

5 Do you take your dog to training classes?