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Ive Had A Visit


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Oh dear, remember me posting a while back about vehicles in our street being vandalised, well i had a visit from 2 police officers Friday night, apparantley, cos one night i lay in waiting in the back of my car with a rolling pin, and copped the offending bugger, it turns out hes having nightmares cos of me, and ive been asked to present myself at the police station to explain myself, Monday.

UH OH KEITHY!! :unsure: what you been up to now if you ask me they bloody well deserve more than a rolling pin :angry: as usual the innocent party has less rights than the offender :rant: my friends parents run a packaging business that has been repeatadly broken into over the last 18 months so they decided to get a doberman to be a watch dog as the business is attached to the house as well the police informed them that if the dog is to bite a criminal they can be prosecuted for having a dangerous dog :wacko: i mean whats wrong with our bloody country we make it far too easy for the bloody drop outs in our society if you ask me :rant: good luck keith you make sure you get them told :thumbsup:
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Im sorry but...................... :lol: :lol: :lol:

The thought of you laying there in the dark, waiting :thumbsup:
midlanderkeith said:
Oh dear, remember me posting a while back about vehicles in our street being vandalised, well i had a visit from 2 police officers Friday night, apparantley, cos one night i lay in waiting in the back of my car with a rolling pin, and copped the offending bugger, it turns out hes having nightmares cos of me, and ive been asked to present myself at the police station to explain myself, Monday.                        :(

ive also been asked to present the offending rolling pin
affieluver said:
UH OH KEITHY!!  :unsure: what you been up to now if you ask me they bloody well deserve more than a rolling pin  :angry: as usual the innocent party has less rights than the offender  :rant:   my friends parents run a packaging business that has been repeatadly broken into over the last 18 months so they decided to get a doberman to be a watch dog as the business is attached to the house as well the police informed them that if the dog is to bite a criminal they can be prosecuted for having a dangerous dog :wacko:   i mean whats wrong with our bloody country we make it far too easy for the bloody drop outs in our society if you ask me :rant:   good luck keith you make sure you get them told :thumbsup:
Hey, tell you what im actually lookin forward to presenting misen tomoz, no problems, wipers ripped off, dents in my car, tyres slashed, side mirror ripped off, all of which has been reported by me and other neighbours, what does bother me however is losing my rag with em, but hey, you good folks will bail me out, yes


midlanderkeith said:
affieluver said:
UH OH KEITHY!!  :unsure: what you been up to now if you ask me they bloody well deserve more than a rolling pin  :angry: as usual the innocent party has less rights than the offender  :rant:   my friends parents run a packaging business that has been repeatadly broken into over the last 18 months so they decided to get a doberman to be a watch dog as the business is attached to the house as well the police informed them that if the dog is to bite a criminal they can be prosecuted for having a dangerous dog :wacko:   i mean whats wrong with our bloody country we make it far too easy for the bloody drop outs in our society if you ask me :rant:   good luck keith you make sure you get them told :thumbsup:
Hey, tell you what im actually lookin forward to presenting misen tomoz, no problems, wipers ripped off, dents in my car, tyres slashed, side mirror ripped off, all of which has been reported by me and other neighbours, what does bother me however is losing my rag with em, but hey, you good folks will bail me out, yes



Which gaol you gonna be in....

cos we will all turn up and break you out (w00t)

I chew my nail so can't provide a file :- "
midlanderkeith said:
Oh dear, remember me posting a while back about vehicles in our street being vandalised, well i had a visit from 2 police officers Friday night, apparantley, cos one night i lay in waiting in the back of my car with a rolling pin, and copped the offending bugger, it turns out hes having nightmares cos of me, and ive been asked to present myself at the police station to explain myself, Monday.                        :(

Nightmares eh? Poor little soul (NOT), serves him right for going round vandalising other peoples property, hope the Police are just dotting I's and crossing T's to keep paperwork right and treat the little vandal with the contempt he deserves. Good luck :luck:
WOT...Another scene to conjure up in my mind....I can`t cope !! Rolling pin looks good !! :- "
midlanderkeith said:
Oh dear, remember me posting a while back about vehicles in our street being vandalised, well i had a visit from 2 police officers Friday night, apparantley, cos one night i lay in waiting in the back of my car with a rolling pin, and copped the offending bugger, it turns out hes having nightmares cos of me, and ive been asked to present myself at the police station to explain myself, Monday.                        :(

Good luck tomorrow Keith. :luck: :luck:

We could do with a few more like you - maybe then the little b******s :rant: might think twice about vandalising other people's hard-earned property. :(
good luck today Keith :luck:

this country truely is :wacko:

:angry: :angry:

It's so wrong that we're not allowed to defend our own property from vandalising, thieving scum :rant:

There's too many 'politically correct' tree-huggers going on about human rights (w00t) (w00t)

What about the rights of those who have been abused in some way?

Hope it goes well for you today, Keith ... Good luck to you :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
omg keithy, what have you been up to (w00t)

im sure the police will be fine, just slip them a couple of quid ;)
ahhhh the great british legal system :- " such a great place to be if you are a lying cheating theiving piece of scum :- "

keith , we wont let them lock ya up!!! have they never heard of the k9 community??!!!! (w00t)

We ll get the petition started now and the visiting rota up!!!!!

Good luck hit the scumbag again with feeling this time!!!! :thumbsup:
littlenell said:
:- " I could bake a cake with a file in it!!? :unsure:
Pmsl, no need my little love, i good a lecture about leaving the policing to them, and havent i better things to do with my time, so a barney ensued, i musnt be seen to do it again or im in big trouble, say no more.

Nelly u ickle sweetheart, i wouldnt mind that cake just leave the file out, now then do us a meringue and your on my crimbo list :lol:

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :eek:
lol...............your a free man then keithy, tap on the wrist job was it (w00t)

behave :p
midlanderkeith said:
littlenell said:
:- " I could bake a cake with a file in it!!? :unsure:
Pmsl, no need my little love, i good a lecture about leaving the policing to them, and havent i better things to do with my time, so a barney ensued, i musnt be seen to do it again or im in big trouble, say no more.

Nelly u ickle sweetheart, i wouldnt mind that cake just leave the file out, now then do us a meringue and your on my crimbo list :lol:

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :eek:

:x You are probably better off not tasting my baking :x :- " my family thank God I dont bake often, the file would probably taste better than the cake :b - BUT - I would have done it for you Keith :thumbsup: