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It's not dogs, but who the hell is this brutal?

Just seeing the title I knew I couldn’t click the link. So sad and cruel
I think the link is to the wrong page but like @Josie, I get the drift - some people are scum. I would like to see punishment matching crime, so for this the culprit left out overnight in the cold.
Unfortunately @JoanneF the link goes to a BBC Midlands Live page, I couldn't quickly link the specific article - if you scroll down you'll see the story about the abandoned cat and kittens.

@Josie - there's a happy-ish ending, they got rescued.
People are actually disgusting how can anyone do this?!

While i was living in Va Beach ['00 to 2009], someone dumped a 12 to 14-WO smooth-coated pup in a city park, IN FEBRUARY.
The poor thing was in a wire crate with a sheet-steel floor, & how he didn't get frostbitten toes, i don't know! :eek:

He wasn't discovered until 6:30-AM by a dog-walker whose dog alerted on the pup's whimpers, & he was hypothermic & dehydrated; the vet estimated he'd been out there since 9 the previous night, in a small ravine - in an area with no lighting whatever. // He could have, in fact should have, died - given the wind, cold, & his under-20# size.

They never found the barsteward who dumped him - they did find some grainy footage on a CC-TV a quarter-mile from the park, of a man carrying the crate & pup, but couldn't I-D anyone from such poor data.

Was there a happy ending @leashedForLife?
Was the pup rehomed?

the downside, of course, is that for this ONE pup, there was a home & a family -
the shelter that held him was the Va Bch municipal ACC, which at the time [2007? / 2008?] was still housed in their original 1960s-era building - long, long since outgrown, totally inadequate for a city over 5X the size it had been, when it was constructed. :(

There are some ugly but bald facts when we talk about pet-overpopn in the USA - any baby is eminently more desirable than any older pup or kitten, let alone a young adult, & this DESPITE the plain fact that many families would be better off adopting a young adult who's housetrained, already desexed, has some manners, has been socialized, etc.
It's a sin when young dogs who are friendly, reasonably well-behaved, & perfectly wonderful pets are passed over for the infants, who are a PITA to rear even if U do a slipshod job, but are appealingly helpless, affectionate, & needy.

So this ~3-MO pup was lucky, he squeaked in under the wire --- 4 to 5-MO pups only get homes half as often as the 7- to 12-WO babies, & dogs over 6-MO have an even harder time finding a family willing to take them in. // That's not true in New England, where pups are a scarce commodity & adopting young adults from out of state is the default for anyone who doesn't buy a pup from whatever source, or adopt a pup who comes into rescue - but in the SE, entire litters of perfectly healthy pups & kittens are still killed wholesale.

Part of what found this pup a home was sheer notoriety, plus the fact that he was cute & small -
had he been a 3-MO Rottie or pibble, the ending may have been painless, but his life would have been very short. :(

We still kill 3 to 5M "surplus" dogs & cats annually across the USA, which is a massive improvement, but still too many.

- terry


in the instance of the abandoned pup in Va Bch, it's having to pay a FEE to surrender the animal, & being too bl**dy cheap to cough it up. :mad:
U can't just walk in, hand them the dog, & walk out - there's a fee, & forms to fill.

- terry
