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Is this anxiety?


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Yesterday Dennis and myself went for a walk and then met a friend for lunch.
Dennis is used to coming out with us so this was not an unusual situation for him. However he would not stop panting and pacing. In the end I had to take him home but he didn’t calm down for another hour. Once calm he was back to his normal self the rest of the night. I put this down to maybe walking him too quickly earlier in the day and would monitor him. Back to normal self in morning.

Today he has been absolutely fine and then suddenly he lept up from his sleep and acted like he did yesterday with pacing and panting. Since then he has been pacing, panting, wanting to be touched and going into rooms he doesn’t usually bother with.

I have checked him all over and cannot see any obvious signs of pain and he isn’t showing any pain when I press on areas of his body.

All of the signs are heading towards anxiety.

There is nothing I can pinpoint that would have caused this to happen. He is 10 now, would this make him more sensitive? Has anyone else experienced this?

* I will be taking him to the vets either way - it’s just awful to see him like this and not being able to help him :( *
I think taking him to the vet is a good call. If he's panting and pacing I'd be worried that he was in some sort of physical distress as it's out of character for him
Poor Dennis. Hopefully the vet will be able to identify something.
Poor boy! Glad you're doing the vet visit- maybe there's something physical bothering him. Our corgi x does this becoming quite bothered out of nowhere. Two things do it- either he hears or thinks he hears thunder in the distance that no one else can. But the other is he has developed very mild petite mal as he's got older. He has a little episode of being dithery, panting and wanting to hide under a table or in a corner. It lasts a few minutes during which time we talk to him. Then it's over. Vet says too mild and uncommon to medicate at the moment.
Sorry what is petite Mal @merlina?

Is your corgi x older? He was fast asleep yesterday and then shot up like he’d been shot and went peculiar. There was no loud noise that I could hear of but that doesn’t mean he didn’t!

Vets at 12:15
I hope he's OK, Josie xx
So, we’ve been to the vets.

Everything went well Re. His heart and lungs were fine. The vet checked all his limbs and they were all fine (he said he could do with losing 2 pounds) and then he mentioned dog dementia :-(

So the good news is he isn’t in pain but the bad news is if he’s being anxious we don’t know why. It could just be due to age.

The vet recommended umove. Has anyone tried this?
Thank you Everyone for your messages. It really is horrible when you can see your dog isn’t happy but they cannot tell you why
Hmm...well at least nothing grim. My old boy is 10 as well and to be honest maybe, like granddad, is just getting a little more eccentric. Hope things go well with yours. (Whatever the cause I've found with these attacks I don't touch him unless he comes to me but just sit close and speak in a calm low voice- seems to give him comfort.)
I'm sorry Josie that I didn't see this sooner but being on holiday its hard to gain time for WIFI, I would have said go to the vets, as you have done and they said about dog dementia i have a link that may be helpful Recognizing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction | petMD
If you don't have Dennis in a routine that would be a good idea as he is a golden oldie anyway. Hope the link helps - Violet :)

Not trying to bring bad news, but I have some experience of a specific issue that can cause anxiety, restlessness, & panting:
Cardiac arrhythmia & / or cardiac insufficiency, AKA left-side cardio failure. // Either can show as come & go symptoms; when the heart beats regularly, all is well, but when it starts to misfire, lack of O2 causes anxiety, & panting begins.
“Atrial fibrillation” is another more specific manifestation / Dx.

If he coughs when he lies DOWN or specifically while sleeping, suspect heart issues & / or fluid accumulating in his lungs, due to his heart misbehaving or underperforming.
These issues can often be helped with Rx meds. ;)

I have seen these symps & conditions many times, in humans & dogs - including young dogs infected via tick bites (Lyme, erlichiosis, etc). // Hopefully it is something easily addressed.

If it **is** anxiety, DAP / Adaptil pump-spray may be helpful; so is an Anxiety Wrap, IME, or the less costly option of a super-snug STRETCH T-shirt with a minimum of 10% Lycra in the fiber content.

- terry

Yumove is a joint supplement, my Jake is on it. At Dennis's age it would be worth starting him on it and maybe be aware of over walking him and obviously get his weight down a tad to help his joints too. I know with Jake his pacing and panting was when he couldn't get comfortable, the meds have helped that but he has also been displaying signs of dementia in the little wandering loops he gets stuck in. Also keeping a routine may help, Jake can't cope with change or even going to my parents anymore and he has known them all his life, the last time I took him he did his usual greeting and got his treat then walked round and round and found it hard to settle for more than a few minutes at a time.. :( .. Jake has always pretty much gone everywhere with me but now he's definitely in retirement, still not walking far but enjoying a sniff around and a lot of naps at home!
Amazon is the best place to look for yumove btw.;)
Yumove is a joint supplement, my Jake is on it. At Dennis's age it would be worth starting him on it and maybe be aware of over walking him and obviously get his weight down a tad to help his joints too. I know with Jake his pacing and panting was when he couldn't get comfortable, the meds have helped that but he has also been displaying signs of dementia in the little wandering loops he gets stuck in. Also keeping a routine may help, Jake can't cope with change or even going to my parents anymore and he has known them all his life, the last time I took him he did his usual greeting and got his treat then walked round and round and found it hard to settle for more than a few minutes at a time.. :( .. Jake has always pretty much gone everywhere with me but now he's definitely in retirement, still not walking far but enjoying a sniff around and a lot of naps at home!
Amazon is the best place to look for yumove btw.;)

Dennis was/is the same as Jake. Comes everywhere with us (if we can) but I have noticed recently that he cannot handle situations like he used to.
Our routine has been quite unsettled recently with me building up my walking. I will try my best to get us into a better one
I was hoping it wouldn't be that. There are tests and medications though. If he continues to show signs, I would urge to do that as the sooner any decline is addressed the better.

Oh we definitely will. The vet recommended omega 3. Is it best in tablet form or can I feed him oily fish?
It is a heart breaking time watching your dog get older but you just kind of adapt to their needs, one blessing(whether it's the meds or dementia?!) with Jake is that he doesn't seem to get upset if I take my boarder out without him, he gets a chew, which he happily runs off with to eat in peace and off I go. He does one 'walk' with us every other day now,(every day was too much, apart from our bimble along the road and back), where we go out and do a Jake walk, amazingly all my boarders seem to know and are incredibly patient while Jake catches up, we don't go far but he still enjoys the time out... sniffing, mostly..They seem to get that it's a walk for him, and they get their good walk on their own.
You will work it out with Dennis I'm sure, building up a business is hard but it can grow and adapt as you all need, the joy of being self employed!;)