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Is There An Official Line On This?


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Dogs disqualified at a club meeting, running in Opens.

Can they? Without having had a clearing trial somewhere?

I know a lot of owners would WANT their dogs to be "tested" again just to be sure, but what is the official line? If there even IS an offical line that is.

This question was prompted by a recent occurence - I'll not reveal any identities as that wouldn't be appropriate, but the outcome appears to be that a dog disqualified at a club meeting is only banned from racing under that club's rules at the same ground - in other words the dog can race anywhere else without being cleared.

I recently returned to race managership after a few years rest and I can remember when people with a dog that had been disqualified were desperate to get it cleared "because it was running in an Open next week"

My own club's rules just talk about it needing to be cleared before it can take part in the racing again - but obviously that only applies to OUR club.

I'd like to get a clear answer on this before it happens under MY jurisdiction !!!!

(btw - the dog in question is NOT Lisa!!) :D
IanGerman said:
Dogs disqualified at a club meeting, running in Opens.
Can they?  Without having had a clearing trial somewhere?

I know a lot of owners would WANT their dogs to be "tested" again just to be sure, but what is the official line? If there even IS an offical line that is.

This question was prompted by a recent occurence - I'll not reveal any identities as that wouldn't be appropriate, but the outcome appears to be that a dog disqualified at a club meeting is only banned from racing under that club's rules at the same ground - in other words the dog can race anywhere else without being cleared.

I recently returned to race managership after a few years rest and I can remember when people with a dog that had been disqualified were desperate to get it cleared "because it was running in an Open next week" 

My own club's rules just talk about it needing to be cleared before it can take part in the racing again - but obviously that only applies to OUR club.

I'd like to get a clear answer on this before it happens under MY jurisdiction !!!!

(btw - the dog in question is NOT Lisa!!)  :D

My understanding is as follows;

If a dog is disqualified at an open, it has the opportunity to re-clear afterwards (but only once per season).

This does not preclude it from running at club level.

If a dog is disqualified at club level, it needs to re-trial, but again this does not stop it from running in opens. I'd question owners thinking in this situation but as far as I'm aware they would not be breaking any rules.



Waiting to stand corrected. :b
>This question was prompted by a recent occurence - I'll not reveal any identities as that wouldn't be appropriate, but the outcome appears to be that a dog disqualified at a club meeting is only banned from racing under that club's rules at the same ground - in other words the dog can race anywhere else without being cleared.

That's correct. It only needs to be recleared to run at the club which disqualified it. It is not disqualified to run elsewhere.

It only needs to re-trial if the owner wishes to continue running the dog at that club.
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I don't think there is actually anything written down about this one Ian. The WCRA rules regarding disqualification and subsequent clearing only to apply to dogs disqualified at Opens run under WCRA rules so I guess in theory the dog can run at an open if it has been disqualified at club level, even if it hasn't been cleared

Like you though, I do seem to remember a time when if a dog was disqualified at one place, it was assumed to be disqualified everywhere untill it had been cleared.

As for club racing, that would depend on the clubs rules I suppose. It used to be that clubs would only allow a dog to run if it was free from disqualification - or at least that seemed to be the general consensus. Just like they accepted other clubs clearing trials - they accepted their disqualifications. It might still be the same at some clubs, but obviously not at others. Maybe there was never anything written down about it though.

The idea that if a dog was disqualified at one club, it could still race at any other club is one I've only heard of over the last few years. If a dog is disqualified at one club but then runs OK, or is cleared at a different club, will the first club still not allow that dog to race with them? In other words will they not accept the second club's clearing trials? What about puppies cleared for racing at other clubs? Again, I suppose it must depend on each individual club.