Cracked it, to date as lined 18 bitches 11 of the litters produced Rch / Nch and Sup Rch and Ch of Chs, out of the remainder, 1 litter are still yearlings and already making names for themself Cracked it + Fleetwood Fox (repeat mating ) and another litter only just 1 year old Cracked it + Tonys Gift, the other 5 litters making open class, maybe you could let me know what you think the other 42 bitches he lined were in the 2 years hes been at stud, :cheers:
Spellbound, to date as lined 13 bitches 10 litters produced Rch / Nch and Sup Rch and Ch of Chs, from the other 3 litters
1 produced only 1 dog which went to a pet home,
1 produed 1 dog and 1 bitch both open class
1 are still pups only 14 months and winning at opens ( c spot run ) Spellbound + What spot, others out this litter being, bound two, my sea biscuit, Dizzie Rascal,blind spot,sorry if i missed any off
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