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Is it just me or is it annoying when.....


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...People refer to their vehicles as she/her, it's a bloody car!!! it's an IT! IT!

And I've only ever heard she and her, not him or his....why is this? :confused:
I agree. We have a motorhome and magazines always have letters and articles about vans with cutesie names. We have the car, the van, the bike and the other bike.
My cars have had names. My favourite was Lila bluebell. One called roger and present one id Brian. :D:p
I'm a live and let live sort of person - I don't name cars etc. myself but who am I to judge what others do? You see similar arguments about terms like 'furbaby', calling yourself your dog's parents and so on (I did try to get Jasper to respond to our proper names but he understands 'Mummy' and 'Daddy').

We did have a huge black, 80s-style shelving unit (now passed on to DS2) which we call 'Darth'. I can't remember if I've ever referred to it as 'he' but it's possible...
I must admit I dont really name things but my chidren used to.. We had 'little min' the mini, and the 'big beast' a long wheel based landrover.
Dogs are another matter.. I always see them as part of the family and when I had the three together we just used to yell BOYS.. and they would come running so they were 'the boys' and we became mum and dad.. Again this was partly the childrens fault who would say to the dogs 'go find mum'.. Well thats just stuck and I cant say I mind being mum to a scuffy dog and a barmy bird!
So let me try and understand, those of you who have names for their cars, do you literally refer to them with their name all the time?
Like "Percy has an MOT next week", or " I'm taking Brian into town, see you later"?? :confused:
So let me try and understand, those of you who have names for their cars, do you literally refer to them with their name all the time?
Like "Percy has an MOT next week", or " I'm taking Brian into town, see you later"?? :confused:

Not all the time . I do say stuff like Come on Brian if I think he wont start etc :D
Yep, have to admit we have a Triumph Herald convertible called 'Baby', my old van was called 'Pigsy' (it was an old butchers van, when I first got it every time Jake got in the back he spent the journey licking the floor!!:D) and my scooter is called 'Muttley'...coz it's a bit like a scrappy old mongrel that keeps on going!:cool::p:D
So let me try and understand, those of you who have names for their cars, do you literally refer to them with their name all the time?
Like "Percy has an MOT next week", or " I'm taking Brian into town, see you later"?? :confused:

Yes I do!! And I’m proud of it :D:D what’s even better is that all my family and friends refer to my car now as Percy also! Ha ha
I’ve only got a little Peugeot 107 so he’s pretty slow getting up steep hills so I often say ‘come on Percy, you can do it’ and I give the steering wheel a little pat

I do realise I sound like a mad woman.
Yes I do!! And I’m proud of it :D:D what’s even better is that all my family and friends refer to my car now as Percy also! Ha ha

Oh my god that's crazy!!....
And yes I can imagine you sound like a mad woman :D:p you do that even if there are people in the car with you? Lol