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Is It Broken?


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Poor Lenny injured himself yesterday when we were out on walkies. He'd just been having his first swim :wub: which he loved, then he was chasing Molly around when he started limping and hobbled back to me.

His foot was pouring with blood and looked really mangled. I took him home and cleaned him up, there was a cut just between two of his pads. I made sure there was nothing in it (mud, stones etc) then bandaged it up.

He took his own bandage off later on :angry: and the cut looks to be healing nicely but he has been left with a funny toe.

It looks very flat and long but is causing him no pain at all, he is playing around as normal with his full weight on it.

So can anyone tell if it looks broken? If so, do I just leave it to heal or strap it up myself? Or could he have damaged a tendon? I know the picture isn't that good but any advice would be appreciated.

jezza said:
Or could he have damaged a tendon? I know the picture isn't that good but any advice would be appreciated.
That's what it looks like to me, don't know how you'd treat it, i've never had it in any of my dogs but i know my dad's spaniel did hers and it doesn't seem to bother her at all.
Forgot to mention, I do realise that his claws are too long and that this may have caused him to catch his toes on rough ground. I will clip them in a few days when I'm sure his foot is better :(

Also, in case you can't tell its the third toe back that looks funny to me, and it is only flat like that when he is stood on it. If I pick up his foot it looks normal.
Hi Jezza,

Definatly looks like it could be broken, best way to support it is to use a piece of inner tube from a tyre or the neck of a balloon and use it to hold the toes together as its acts as a support. (round all 4 toes)

try and keep that on for about 10 weeks as toes bones are a bit of a nightmare to heal as they are so thin, it mat go again but just repeat the above once callased propoer you shouldnt have anymore problems.

we had a simlar thing 2 years ago the bitch now lure courses without any strapping and has no problems.

Good luck.
It looks like he might have severed a tendon. If it were my dog I'd take him to the vet.

My dog has a ligament injury between his toes at the moment...........Get the vet to diagnose, and then the members of the board will give you loads of tips :thumbsup: Strapping is a good temporary measure till the vets is open :D
Yep , looks like a tendon gone to me :( A trip to the vet :- " tomorrow Im afraid