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Is Bertie


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This is picture was taken this morning, Bertie is approx 19 weeks old and I can't believe how big he is. At 18" he is just 1 1/4" shorter than Ellie at present but the same weight at 9.5 - 9.75 kg (21 - 21.5 lbs) (w00t) .

Do you think he will be a whoppet or about average when fully grown? Or is Ellie on the small side?

Sorry, at the moment I can only get photos of the together when they are horizontal.


Dogs do tend to be a little larger than bitches Adrian. Size could also depend on the breeding, so if Bertie is of different lines to Ellie then that could have some baring on size comparison

What breeding are they??

BTW he doesnt look overly big to me for a dog.
Sorry I haven't got a clue Adrian but just wanted say they are both lovely to me :wub: :wub: :wub:
They are from the same line.

They are brother and sister to Josie and Lola, can you tell :- "

I know the line they should only make 27 tops. Tie the dad isnt overly heavy hes quite tall where as jazz is only small. Ties mum is only 16lb his dad was a show dog but not overly big, all jazz parents are racers so not big at all you should be fine. Nice to see some more pups out of the litter there lovely. Are you going to race them or show them or are they just pets. BTW we bred Tie & Jazz :luck: with them and keep us updated.
Tie (father 27lb) out of Rowangarth Dawn Wind 28lb x Our Molly at Parkstone 17lb

Jazz (Mother 20lb) is out of WCRCh Hammeron 23lb x Parkstone Taboo 19lb.

He should settle at around 20-20 1/2" and weight about 24-25lb.

Hope that helps.

We just want to enjoy the dogs and for them to enjoy theirselves.

We do not intend to show, and at the moment racing is quite difficult with other commitments, although Ellie has trialed once and seemed keen.

They are walked where there is an abundance of rabbits and Ellie is a keen worker and will chase well, she just needs to start picking up, although that might be a little late now at 18 months (perhaps Mark could advise).

Its never to late Adrian, just do what makes you and the dogs happy. :))
Hi Adrian,

Best way to get them picking up is to keep taking her where there is plenty of rabbits, if you can find her a few myxie rabbits that would be even better.

she will start picking them up.