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Invite To Sponsered Walk 11/10/09


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LInda and I {sammy} would like to invite the members of the sporting whihppet club and others to a 5 mile walk in the grounds of of Musgrave park Hospital the Money being raised is going to send 3 special needs children to lapland to see santa the childerns names wll be picked from a hat All the childerns names entred in to the hat go to forest lodge and everyone of them deserve a treat So bring your whippets a few quid and help support us meeting for tea and coffee afterwards this is a very worth while event nice to see a good turn out for a sponser form contact Sammy 07912373377 or a donation on the day Many thanks sammy & LInda wee Johnny and the kids from forest lodge
bet wee Grant is well up for it anyone who a extra dog or so we should be able to have someone lead it round the walk for asmall donation of courrse LOL
bet wee Grant is well up for it anyone who a extra dog or so we should be able to have someone lead it round the walk for asmall donation of courrse LOL
bet wee Grant is well up for it anyone who a extra dog or so we should be able to have someone lead it round the walk for asmall donation of courrse LOL
bet wee Grant is well up for it anyone who a extra dog or so we should be able to have someone lead it round the walk for asmall donation of courrse LOL :p
what time are you settin of sam :p i will do my best to get down for it
What a lovely gesture this..all the best and hope you do well in the fundraising :thumbsup:
MEETING AT 10 oclock at forestlodge respite centre at musgrave park hospital

as you drive into the grounds of musgrave forestlodge is the building after the row of houses you will see a set of gates we wil lbe meeting there sammy and johnny will be there to meet up with everyone

the walk will be round a park which is near the grounds of musgrave park hospital the park is approx 1 mile long so we will be walking round it about 5 times the reason why it is so close to the hospital is because some of the children from forestlodge will be doing the walk as well and they need to be close to the centre the time for the walk will be at 10 AM SO IT WILL BE GOOD to see as many as we can with their dogs all for a good cause help make this walk worthwhile for 3 children to see santa wee johnny is in training for sunday morning he is trying to take trixie for a walk but she is not having it

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the photo didnt come out last time hope it comes out now johnny is trying totaketrixie for a walk