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Obviously the pics are too big,my apologies.

Can anyone tell me how to make them smaller please?
They need to be about 600 pixels longside or there abouts

Check the size of them in photobucket. Right click to see the photos properties from the dropdown menu
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Being a photo novice,can you tell me how to get them to that size please?
Check the size of them in photobucket. Right click to see the photos properties from the dropdown menu. If they are too big you can reduce their size in photo bucket. You should be able to reduce by 25% 50% or 75% in photobucket, you'll have to play around with pb to get it right.

Sorry I don't use pb to resize, so not too familiar with resizing there.

I find it easier to resize on my pc through a canon viewer program that I'v got on my machine and then upload to my album in pb.

Hopefully other k9ers will help out