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This is not really a problem... just odd!

My four year old whippet x poodle has always slept on my bed at night, but for the last few nights he has chosen to sleep downstairs on his own. Just wondering if anyone knows why this might be, as it is usually really hard to get them off the bed once they are used to going on there!
Too hot? If you have recently put the central heating on, as we have in the frozen wastes of the North ...

Or maybe wanting undisturbed sleep - he hasn't hurt himself recently or showing signs of discomfort?
Interesting. I would be intrigued too. Is it the stairs that he finds uncomfortable? Or jumping up on the bed perhaps? Always rule out pain first :)
Central heating isn't on, no pain or trouble with stairs/getting on and off the bed... he is only four!
Sounds like some sort of negative experience then. Has he fallen off in his sleep? Perhaps he had a bad dream and associates it with the bed?

Funnily enough my dog has stopped using his favourite armchair lately.