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Interest in the lure

Christopher Doyle

New Member
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As a person new to racing can anyone give me some advice on how to get my 6 month old dogs interested in the lure? I have tried throwing it and a little playful teasing but they don't exactly go mad for it. I also have a cocker spaniel pup who thinks it is all great fun. It would  now wouldn't it! Help please.
We recently had an 8 month old pup that would chase when she wanted but was quite happy to just stand there and watch the lure going away from her when you slipped her.  She plays in the garden with a lure with her half brother and is mad for it, so we started by making her a bit jealous by keeping her on the lead and letting her brother have a play this seemed to get her a bit keener (perhaps you could play with your springer whils the pups are watching). Or another thing we did was get a rabbit skin and tie it to the lure, this made our pup mad keen and she's not looked back since (i don't know if lt's just because she wants to eat it though as she is a bit of a glutten!!)

I'm sure other people will come back with more answers but basicly it is just a matter of perserverance and not letting the pups get too bored, once they have had a play fuss them and then try again the next day!!!

Good Luck



(Edited by Vicky at 6:35 pm on Dec. 13, 2001)