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Injury Through Play???


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I was wondering if it's common for our dogs to get injuries through rough playing?

Tascha and Mysti are really boisterous, and play so rough it can be scary to watch them at times. Are there any of you out there whose dogs have hurt each other through rough play? If so, were the injuries serious, or just minor nips?

It hasn't come to the girls hurting each other yet, as when one gets too bad, the other gives a high pitched yelp, and play stops for about 5 seconds.

On the other hand, when they're free running and playing, it gets even rougher. Tascha side tackles Mysti big time, and has actually knocked her over a few times.

I know it's probably normal behaviour, but it does worry me at times.
Ive wondered the same Andrea with mine too. Oscar holds Kobi down by the throat until he screams out -- its hard not to intervene at times. (w00t)

Then Kobi gets his own back and hangs on Oscar's ears (w00t) till he whines out then one almighty scrap takes place again. (w00t) Then EVENTUALLY they drop down and fall asleep. -_- -_-
(w00t) Oh bloomin' 'eck. Have I got this to look forward to??? Er, does this go on all day? Or am I going to get some quiet time when I can work :b

sorry, Andrea, I don't mean to hijack your thread :unsure: Janis - if you have 2 minutes would you consider jotting down a "typical day with two dogs" and Pming me? I think I need to prepare :lol: preferably with a large gin to hand.
Chance and Binx play rough all the time, Chance drags him around the garden by his collar, then pin's him down with a neck lock, his legs are flying all over the place trying to get back up :blink:

she has hurt him once, he was really really annoying her while she was trying to nap and she flipped on him, caught him right on the top of his nose between his eyes, he had a little scab which fell off and now has a tiny little scar there :wacko:

but needless to say he's not taken heed of this and still annoy's her to death (w00t) other than that they really 'go for it' when play fighting ALL the time! it does look and sound (lots of growling) scary to me though :unsure:

I have to say though when we are on our walks you wouldn't think Binx was a sighthound the amount of times he has ran into Chance and me and the kids,(knocked the kids flying a few time too) straight into the back of our legs, that hurts loads!!

He's not bothered about this one bit and bounces away as if nothing has happened (w00t) while were rubbing our sore legs better!
We don't get to much rough play. Max still has a bit of get up and go, but not enough for Beau. They are still funny to watch though. Beau loves to run rings round Max trying to tease him into a game of chasing. About a fortnight ago he discovered that the fastest way around Max is just to sail straight over the top :clown: . He doesn't even slow down, just takes a flying leap (w00t) . Yesterday Max took his revenge and walked underneath Beau :lol:
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It's a tough one really they probably know what they're doing but i would probably try to stop them fighting when they're running, it only take one of them to land wrong and you might be looking at a vet bill, i cringe everytime i see dogs playing when they're running.

In the house / garden though i can't see it being a problem.
Mine have always played rough at times, mainly when running round outside I only let them go so far if they seem to be getting out of hand but they usually know themselves how far to go, I think often they make it sound much worse than it actually is and they've nevr caused each other an injury :D
Be careful of them running into one another or a lot of barging/wrestling whilst running. I have had back injuries caused by this that have taken months/years plus a lot of physiotherpay/chiropracter fees to get right. I only let young fit males run together under close supervision and when the 'horseplay' starts getting a little OTT I curtail it. Obviously I have multiple whippets that I can 'mix and match' on exercise but I think very carefully about who I take out with who for this very reason.
Glad this topic was started, thought it was just my dog that was like it!

We have an english bull terrier too and although everyone probaly expect him to be the boisterous one its atchully the other way round!

Both dogs get on great really and snuggle up together at night(when Holly hasnt creeped her way into bedroom that is) but when they are on walks and running Holly gets over excited and jumps all over Diesel (bull terrier) biting his tail and sometimes getting abit OTT, when shes on her own though shes like butter wouldnt melt. I think she just gets over excited and the thrill of running goes to her head a little!
To date Byron had a tiny chunk taken out of his ear, when he was playing with Macey and Toby and Macey has a small puncture wound on her inside hind leg.

But they still scrap like mad!!

Macey will wind Byron up until he has her in a neck hold and then when she is free she hangs onto his skin between his ears!!

But saying that if it did go OTT then I would intervene, they are two six month old pups playing, rather hard!
dessie said:
Be careful of them running into one another or a lot of barging/wrestling whilst running.  I have had back injuries caused by this that have taken months/years plus a lot of physiotherpay/chiropracter fees to get right.  I only let young fit males run together under close supervision and when the 'horseplay' starts getting a little OTT I curtail it.  Obviously I have multiple whippets that I can 'mix and match' on exercise but I think very carefully about who I take out with who for this very reason.
Very good advice here Id say. :thumbsup: .........and Yes - intervene when you need to.