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Inga The Winger


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We have a whippet called "Inga." He is named after a New Zealand All Blacks rugby player called Vi'iga Tuigamala whos nickname was Inga.

Tuigamala came to play Rugby League for Wigan and seeing we are big Wigan fans, we named the dog after him as he is "All Black" and he runs like a winger too!

Inga even has a white flash on his chest which looks like the New Zealand silver fern and we managed to get the word silver in to his pedigree name for this reason.

Whats your dog called,and where does the name come from,Im just interested to hear.

My husband says that if we ever get another black whippet he wants to name it after another wigan player and call it "Hanley,Boston or Henderson." What do you think?
I always wanted to call a dog, Obedia Hawkswill - a baddy from 'Sharpe' , but it does not sound too good when you are calling your whippet back........
Sorry, mentioned this on another thread, but I've always regretted not calling ours 'Guto' (Welsh name pronunced 'Gitto', name of a famous runner in folklore, so it would be quite appropriate for a whippet) so that I could shorten it to 'Git', which would be highly appropriate to his behaviour at times :lol:
Ours is also named after a rugby star Billy Whizz (Jason Robinson) who I beleive once played for Wigan (w00t)
We called our last but one pup Trouble for obvious reasons (here comes Trouble....) but he turned out to be an angel. Never does anything wrong. o:)

So we called his half brother Kaos in the hope he wouldn't live up to his name either but......... it didn't work :ph34r: :devil: :pirate: :ninja: (w00t)

Also knew of a spaniel once called No Biting :blink:
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