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In memory of you


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I am trying to put together my last wishes, first better tell you how it all came about.

I received a latter from my life insurance saying the 20 years is up for my wife and me and will not need to pay any more money, great better stop my direct debits.

Then I got to thinking, how much am I worth, so I phones them up, to cut a long story short 8 weeks it took to get a letter saying how much each one would get if we go this year.

Then with these figures in my hand and as my friend had just departed I trundle of to the local undertakers, I asked, have I got enough money in the pot for a funeral, she assured me there was but then asked me do I want to be burred or cremated?

I told her I am not sure, and then she told me the local cemetery is now full and they are negotiating on a new site but it will be out of town.

She also said cremation will be a lot cheaper, (I can afford flowers).

My wife and I have talked it over and this is what we have decided to do.

We are going for a cremation then our ashes we would like to have scattered in our local woods, the woods have a path that runs through the middle and we walk our dog there every day if it is not muddy.

I have started to plant some bulbs on ether side of the path and thinking of getting some wild flower seeds to scatter.

Sorry this is a bit morbid but have you made any plans.

Reg and Pat
I haven't paid for anything, but my partner knows and is happy to carry out my wishes if I go before he does. I'm going to have a cardboard coffin, no flowers, no ceremony of any type above what is legally necessary and then cremation and my ashes thrown into the wind off the top of Mam Tor in Derbyshire, which is one of my favourite spots.

I want no plaque or grave marker of any sort and hopefully to leave no mark of my existence.

In the event that any of that became illegal there is a woodland cemetery locally where you can just be buried without a marker amongst the trees in a simple box, so that would have to do.

I'm not morbid either, but had to decide upon these plans when I was ill with cancer. My will contains bigger provision for my animals than for my house or any of my possessions because they are all just things and it's far more important to me that my animals get looked after once I'm gone. My house gets ultimately given to my niece and nephew, but only once my partner has lived out his life there.

My mum, on the other hand, is having a full New Orleans style jazz walking funeral and my dad wants to be buried under the centre spot at Molyneux (but I don't think that one will work somehow).
how old are you caretaker if yo dont mind me asking? its sumthink ive never thought off and prob i will not, came into life with nufink so defo going with nufink as i love spending lol cars beer and women lol plus cameron had his fair share lol
Cheap cardboard coffin for me, too, and hopefully the kids will scatter my ashes somewhere I love to be.. spoiled for choice round here :) I hope to leave the people I love with some happy memories! Apart from that, I'm not bothered. I think its far more important how well you treat people in life, not death.
Wow, you are so sensible to have planned it all.

Both my husband and I tend to stock our heads in the sand when it comes to this sort of thing.

He has got life insurance, but stupidly I have no idea who with or where I would find the info... It's something I really should find out.
So funny that you love Mam Tor Eingana - its the stuff of nightmares for me - I went on a school trip when I was 10 and thought I was going to die by being blown off the top! :lol:

I havent planned anything!
you got nufink to worry about yet banana, you luck WELL FIT to me. x hehe.
I have my Husbands's ashes at home with me, when I die we shall be interred, together again ♥♥
Simple and cheap as possible - want any money to be spent on enjoyable things for the family I leave behind. Dh and I have wills and life insurance as we have two little kids and want life to be as easy as possible for the adult left behind caring for two littlies. Hard enough for the adult left behind without worrying about money etc. My only proviso is that I don't want to be filled with formaldehyde (how polluting) and I don't want flowers in cellophane wrapping (I'd prefer any flowers to have a chance to decompose without cellophane rubbish lying about).
