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In Agony


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I woke up yesterday and my neck and shoulder were in agony :(

Now im kinda used to the back pain, but this was very bad. John and Rachel took Gizmo racing and I stayed st home with Gary.

Loads of painkillers would not shift it and no sleep last night, so off to the doc this morning.

She's still not heard from the nuro doc :( , just been over a year I waited :( , so she's going to chase him up :) .

It seem's my back spasms have now reached my neck/shoulder :angry: ,,painkilles are not helping so she gave me a muscle spams tablet Diazepam. Wow they kick in fast, pain still there, but it make's me sleepy and feeling half cut (w00t) (w00t) ,,,better than going to the pub :lol: :lol: .

Im now off to take number 2 tablet of the day, number 3 at bed time, so dont phone for a few hours as you might not get any sence out of me :lol: :lol: , nothing new :lol: :lol: :oops: .

Hope this pain bugger's off so I can take the kids out for the day :D
oh dear :(

really hope you feel better soon :luck:
Get well soon Susan...back and neck pain is not much fun at all... :(
Oh dear, :(



It can make you so miserable and fed up. Can I ask you what types of therapies you've tried to help with your back problems?



Diazepam are a great relaxant -_- I take these when I need to fly long distance...yeah absolutely no sense at all and couldn't care less either (w00t)


Really hope you get some relief soon.


Tracey X
Hope you're feeling better soon. It's terrible you've had to wait a year to see a Consultant.

(Try the dogs bioflow collar on (w00t) :lol: )
Have you tried acupuncture - my dad says it is the only thing that helps his back pain, and he just has it once every 3 months now. :thumbsup:

Really hope something can relieve your pain soon :luck: :huggles:
i can sympathise with you,ive suffered back spasms and left shoulder and elbow pain for 10 months now and really carnt advise you with anything as im still in pain too.

ive had physio which was good for my shoulder but didnt do anything for the back and ive just started acupuncture last friday and ive been in agony all weekend,went for my second session today which i was dreading and when i told them how i had been theyve refused to do anymore treatment as im classed as super sensitive to the needles :sweating: so im back to square one and again off back to the doctors :( hope you get it sorted soon. :thumbsup:
I have had back pain on and off for a few years now and mum has neck problems and the fix for this Bio-freeze its a american thing which is getting popular in the uk now as well either ebay or biofreeze website just google it, honestly its brilliant get the roll on not the gel as if ur in pain the gel takes some rubbing and the roll on lasts longer
Ive had so many painkilles, they either make me sick or are crap :( ,,ive had physio and hydro pool, tens machine, all sorts. I even got the neck stratchy thing that you weigh down with water and im him of hanging from it (w00t) ,,that was good, it helped, Im now going to have my last tablet, then off to bed :unsure:
diazepan is wonderful! :lol: i had it when i had trouble with a persistant tooth abscess a while you say it doesnt stop the pain but boy does it knock you out! (w00t) -_- i had acupuncture for back pain a while ago,wired up to a machine that sends electrical pulses into the hurt at the time but it did stop the pain after :thumbsup:
I had a good sleep last night, only woke a few times with the pain :) . The neck is much the same, but did not take the first tablet till 1pm as they do make me feel half cut (w00t) , and sleepy. With 2 kids to look after, I need to be awake :lol: :lol: Im now 100% not pissed and not sleepy, so will take the next one when Johns home :blink: .

Im using the heat pad and trying to move it till it hurts (what doc said),,I hope it's all better very soon :thumbsup:
Susan said:
I woke up yesterday and my neck and shoulder were in agony  :(
Now im kinda used to the back pain, but this was very bad. John and Rachel took Gizmo racing and I stayed st home with Gary.

Loads of painkillers would not shift it and no sleep last night, so off to the doc this morning.

She's still not heard from the nuro doc  :( , just been over a year I waited  :( , so she's going to chase him up  :) .

It seem's my back spasms have now reached my neck/shoulder  :angry: ,,painkilles are not helping so she gave me a muscle spams tablet Diazepam. Wow they kick in fast, pain still there, but it make's me sleepy and feeling half cut  (w00t)   (w00t) ,,,better than going to the pub  :lol:   :lol: .

Im now off to take number 2 tablet of the day, number 3 at bed time, so dont phone for a few hours as  you might not get any sence out of me  :lol:   :lol: , nothing new  :lol:   :lol:   :oops: .

Hope this pain bugger's off so I can take the kids out for the day  :D

Susan, tell me about it, ive had severe back pain since my teens, ive now got shoulder pain, and neck pain, so bad sometimes i can hardly turn my head, what i find is that if i sit for any length of time i seize up :lol: sooo, i try keep on the move

try a nice hot bath and get hubby to massage your aching parts whilst your in there, it works, tried all tablets waste of time, dunna want to get hooked on the buggers anyways, the ony tablet i take are, AMITRTIPTYLINE, perhaps you could ask your doc fer some :luck:

Just took another of the tablets, so feeling woozy (w00t)

Will reply later :oops: lol