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Improving Weather


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The weather has been so nice that we decided to tidy up the garden and more importantly - the shed!!!!

The shed was such a nightmare and we could hardly get in it and everything would have to come out before we could get the one thing we wanted..

We ended up taking a whole 4x4 full of stuff to the dump and am selling other bits on Facebay.. It feels good! :)

Did you do anything in the nice weather?
Its been dry here for a couple of weeks now and feels like Spring is on the way :) Took my 2 surfing after school on Friday with a few friends and there were three dolphins surfing the waves with them :D

Whats Facebay?

And the cats are enjoying the weather, too

Oh wow - great pictures!!!

Facebay is a local page on Facebook that is like Ebay but without the charges.....

Google your local area and 'facebay' next to it, I am sure you have one.. its great, I bought an amazing almost new garden table last week that was £400 new for £40 as well as lots of other bits. They do tend to have a lot of baby/child stuff on them, but every so often a gem comes up.

There was a greyhound ornament on mine this last few weeks, I keep meaning to put it on here!
Dixie & Winston went to their dog sitters for the weekend and had a fab time. My 14 & 7 yr old went to be spolit at my Aunties while Hubby, twins and I went to Thomas Land and stayed at Drayton Manor courtesey of aforementioned lovely Auntie as a birthday treat for the twin boys :) 19yr old just text me all weekend complaining he didn't feel well!!!!
Woooow brilliant pics!!!

We also did a little bit of gardening - putting new slate stones down and tidying up.

I also spent hours and hours painting murals in the nursery for my sister - windows open and the sun shining! Lovely!!!!
This weather is great isn't it?

Gosh you have a houseful BarretBabies..... I haven't been to Thomas Land, but many moons ago I went to Drayton Manor - how old are your twins?

Pics of the nursery Jenster?
Twinsters will be 10 on the 20th :) Little bit old for Thomas Land .......however although Thomas hated to admit it but he LOVED it (huge Thomas Tank fan when smaller) his twin was fine as well cos they aren't really into big rides so happy enough on the small stuff and we got the Dodgems to ourselves for about 40 mins :) :).
I have just finished 4 night shifts and I can assure you that no matter how lovely its been during the day, the nights have been damn cold! Saturday night in particular got down to about -3/4, which it would do because that was the only night I had to work outside! Got 3 days off now so I can rejoin the real world for a short time and see what all the fuss is about. Praying for rain though so I don't have to start working on the garden just yet!
We had a few days of snow flurries (is that the right word? lol) and then today the sun decides to turn up!

Highs of 4oC today, that's 39.2 degrees in old monies!

I won't dust off the old BBQ just yet :)
hey guys! Stop all this talk of improving weather! Sods law dictates that if you mention improving weather, poor old me, and worse poor old wimpy whippet dude, get snowed on, :)

i'm a gardener, this week's been awful so far... Snow, force ten gales, more snow, tiny bit of sun today, then got sleeted on on the way home!! Dudes on strike, and my boots haven't dried out for days now :(

we need lots of grumbling about the bad weather, or spring wont spring!!! Its the rules...

jasps got the right idea!
I know - it was mad on Saturday, it was so thick!

After dropping Warren off for his work experience this morning I saw a car with about an inch of snow on its bonnet!!!
The weather is confused here in bristol. One minute it's sunny, next it's raining and then it's snowing :/
I live in a village with terrible problems with the sewers, which all need replacing and some people (not me thank goodness) have had problems where they have been unable to flush their toilets or even use baths or showers...

We have had in situ for the last 3/4 months tankers that suck all the sewage out of the drains...

After all the rain this morning I counted TEN waste removal tankers throughout my end of the village...... the smell is pretty disgusting!!!

Bring on the dry weather!

Although funnily - it was our village they featured on the news last summer when there was a drought!! :lol: