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I'm So Nervous


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I'm training to be a teacher and I have my final presentation tomorrow. I'm soooo nervous. I know its only in front of 15 people but I haven't been able to go through the presentation once yet. I have props which I'm worried will go wrong - I have to light candles while talking! HELP!!!
:luck: for tomorrow :luck:

Dont be nervous!! just picture everyone in their underwear (w00t) :- "

Don't worry, you will be fine- remember the 3 C's- cool, calm and collected!


Good luck!
You'll be fine Jess, i didnt think you were the nervous type
You'll be ok...try not to dwell on it and try and get an early night.

A friend of mine for her final presentation used small flash cards (only what she could see though) and wrote it down step by step and she imagined everyone in front of her sat on the toilet and it worked a treat.

Good luck. :luck:
Sorry just two more things, dont fidget and definatley DONT start having a laffing fit before u go on!
Take deep calm breaths, speak slowly (I have to fight the urge to gabble when I'm nervous!) and remember to breathe - that's not meant to sound silly, people also tend to hold their breath when anxious, too!

Practise and practise what you have to do, then make your mind up to enjoy it - and it really WILL be over before you know it!!

I had to do a presentation this time last year (in front of about 12 people) and I can still remember how terrified I felt - and it went fine!

Fingers crossed for you - YOU CAN DO IT! Good luck :luck: :luck: :luck:

You'll be fine Jess :huggles:

Good Luck let us know how u get on :luck: :luck: :luck:
Can it be any worse than teaching those orrible teenagers in September ? !!


You crazy girl !! :blink:



All the best Jess...and let us know how it went :)


Tracey X
Thanks you guys - I will try and picture assessors in the nude! I have finally had a full runthrough and the presentation is the right length and hubbie thinks it sounds ok. Just gotta get to sleep now!
:luck: :luck: [SIZE=14pt]GOOD LUCK :luck: :luck: [/SIZE]
my sister has just done a presentation, and was really nervous as well, she stood up and put a mental picture of them all sat on the loo in her head (w00t)

it worked she sailed through it :)

good luck :luck:
:luck: Good luck, Jess. Hope it all goes well tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be fine! :luck:
Good luck for tomorrow :luck: :luck: just try to imagine that they are just a class of kids who to them you wouldn't be a trainee teacher you would be just a teacher, try to present it as if you were doing for them, not in a test type situation it might make you feel a bit more at ease and so more natural, hope all goes well :huggles:

Are you going to be teaching primary or secondary?
that's what I do...imagine them all sitting on the loo !

just remember YOU know this presentation inside out, pretend they are the pupils hearing it for the first time, you'll do great :luck: :luck:
*Lesley* said:
Good luck for tomorrow :luck:   :luck:   just try to imagine that they are just a class of kids who to them you wouldn't be a trainee teacher you would be just a teacher, try to present it as if you were doing for them, not in a test type situation it might make you feel a bit more at ease and so more natural, hope all goes well :huggles:
Are you going to be teaching primary or secondary?


Thanks for all your support. Funnily enough I feel calmer today when usually I would be panicking. It must be cos of u guys.

In answer to your question I'm teaching secondary RE - what an idiot!
Jessr123 said:
*Lesley* said:
Good luck for tomorrow :luck:   :luck:   just try to imagine that they are just a class of kids who to them you wouldn't be a trainee teacher you would be just a teacher, try to present it as if you were doing for them, not in a test type situation it might make you feel a bit more at ease and so more natural, hope all goes well :huggles:
Are you going to be teaching primary or secondary?


Thanks for all your support. Funnily enough I feel calmer today when usually I would be panicking. It must be cos of u guys.

In answer to your question I'm teaching secondary RE - what an idiot!

I say good on you for that, I'm not religeous in any way but RE is a really interesting subject,(didn't find it as so when I was pupil :oops: ) I work in secondary school and they have just been making 3D Five pillar mosques, they find it great fun whether they are religeous or not, I'm enjoying it too this time round :lol:

I think these days with so many cultures being the norm there are a lot more stuff to cover so the kids can learn about each other, quite a few of Asian kids are very religeous and the others can't always understand that so RE gives them an insight :thumbsup:

Good luck again :luck: :luck: