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Im Ready


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Had a bath, glands done, teeth done, petrol in car, jam butties ready, im relly looking forward to tomorrow i am at this pennymeadows do, ive only gotta wash my hair in the morning, and off we jolly well go :lol:

keith :cheers:
is that your glands keithy :- " (w00t) :oops:
midlanderkeith said:
Had a bath, glands done, teeth done, petrol in car, jam butties ready, im relly looking forward to tomorrow i am at this pennymeadows do, ive only gotta wash my hair in the morning, and off we jolly well go :lol:                         keith  :cheers:

good evening everyone, here i am all spruced up for tomorrow
Thats a lovely picture of Jill Keith :wub:

Wish we could be there tomorrow to meet you and Jill, unfortunatly got something on that I can't get out of :( Anyway have a great day tomorrow, I'm sure Lesley will look after you, infact tell her from me she has to :thumbsup: :lol:
Oh...She looks absolutely gorgeous !!! Where is this pennymeadows `do` you are talking about Keith ? :blink:

Edited...right...Just found out it is in Littleborough, Lancs..Where my eldest son lives !! (w00t)
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jue332 said:
Thats a lovely picture of Jill Keith  :wub:
Wish we could be there tomorrow to meet you and Jill, unfortunatly got something on that I can't get out of  :(   Anyway have a great day tomorrow, I'm sure Lesley will look after you, infact tell her from me she has to  :thumbsup:   :lol:

Well my friend, if the event is as great as my anticipation, then im sure i will


Another beautiful pic of Jill. :huggles: She looks so regal, just like the Queen she is. :wub:

Hope Jill has a good day too Keith
Have a lovely day Jill :))

Make sure you hair is dry before you go out into the cold :thumbsup:
ooh Keith, Jam Butties!!!!!mmmmmmmmm