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I'm Back!


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Finally! my exams are over!!!!! :cheers:

I've not been on K9 for weeks - i've missed so much :(

The terrible twosome are getting on great - they're so good together! :wub:

I've been socialising Blue like mad to get over his shyness and its worked a treat! he gets more like Ten every day :wacko: He's learnt how to catch, sit, laydown, left paw & right paw - all in the last two weeks. Its taken ages to teach him, but it would seem somethings just clicked & he's well away now! :D

Tens bite has more or less healed now - i just hope the hair grows back! It looks like a vampire bite :p

Anyway despite all the revising, exams & last minute course work, i did manage to fit in a few outings & take some pics...

Mostly we've been to the Beach:


Gorgeous pictures, they look great together. :thumbsup:
So glad to see you and the dogs again :thumbsup: I love High Force - I was just saying to OH we must have a drive up there again.

Im so glad Blue is getting on well - he certainly looks it. :wub: :thumbsup:
Welcome back. I like Blue's hat, it gives him a sort of Bob Marley look :teehee: .
welcome back :thumbsup: :thumbsup: great piccys,love the one with the hat :lol: :lol:
Welcome back

Looks like he's been with you all his life now doesnt it? :)

I do think you should have got a blue hat for him though 8)

Good luck with your exams - when do you get the results?
Welcome back :huggles: Great pics :thumbsup: Good luck with exam results :luck:
DOn't they look well and happy :D
Welcome back. Great pics. Blue's nice and I'm glad he has you ... but I love Ten. :b
Heres some more pics from this weekend at Cowpen Bewley nature park. Sorry most are a wee bit blurry :wacko:
