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I'm At A Loss


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Daisy cut her paw on some glass 10 days ago, which werent even a big cut. I washed and cared for it but she is still limping. I dont get why. There is nothing there, there is no mark, no oozing and she doesnt yelp or react whenever her paw is touched or her leg.

Im at a loss. Anybody any ideas
she might still have some glass in her foot..
sparky said:
she might still have some glass in her foot..

That's what I was thinking too Tony, maybe a quick visit to the vet to get it checked is what I'd recommend :thumbsup:
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if the wound is still open you could soak her foot, that would make her pad swell a little and you could have a fish around in there with a needle.
Yes definatly sounds like theres still some glass in it, sounds like its healed over to, a trip to the vets will sort it. We had the same thing a while ago looked like it was ok took the dog to the vet he put an ultra violet light on the pad and it showed straight away there was still some glass in it. Good luck.
Either that or because it is not a very deep cut she has cut through the nerve endings, a bit like a paper cut on us, it looks nothing but is very painful.
Thanks for all the advice, and i took daisy to the vets today and it turned out she did have a splinter of glass in her pad. So now thats removed, she is all bandaged up and resting on my bed. Which isnt much different to normal as since the cold wheather has set in she has spent most of her spare hours resting on my bed. (w00t)