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Illegal Burning


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I'm so annoyed, our neighbours are continually lighting illegal bonfires to dispose of household waste, old bed/furniture and packaging/waste materials from their electrical business. They stack huge piles of rubbish, sometimes over 6' high, right up to our fence (destroying the previous one) and only a few feet away from my ducks and chickens. The pour lots of petrol on so the initial flare is very intense and the flames leap many feet in the air scorching the trees above. The smoke is evil and black, and leaves lots of disgusting toxic ash all over my vegetables and fruit, and an oily film all over the pond.

We eat a lot of stuff from the garden, which I really don't fancy if it's polluted with dioxins from the bonfires. It takes nearly all my energy to keep my garden going, it's so depressing when others spoil it like this :( James has asked them, very nicely, to stop but they've just started piling up yet another load of rubbish to burn:

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:rant: Feel really sorry for you but if you can show that it is industrial then they do need a license so yes definately tell the environmental people.
How selfish and thoughtless of them. :angry: It doesn't cost much to ask the council to remove items of furniture. They must have a van, so surely they could take stuff to the local tip as well? :unsure:

Definitely take photos as evidence, and pass them to the relevant authorities. Either that or pop a polite note through their door and say you'll consider reporting them if they continue to act in this way. It's not as if you haven't tried to be reasonable and stay on good terms with them.

We know how much work and time you put into your garden Elizabeth....don't let them spoil it for you. They are clearly in the wrong here :angry:
:( that's really bad, Elizabeth. I think this kind of thing is just going to get more widespread when they start charging us for our rubbish :angry:
The trouble is they aren't bad neighbours in other ways and we don't want to fall out with them, as I know they don't like us having poultry.

I know if I put any piles of anything down in my garden, 5 mins later there will be half a dozen toads and a few slow worms under it, it breaks my heart to think what might be going up in smoke with the rubbish. Here's a slow worm we found yesterday, he/she's could well be under there now :(

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Nicola said:
How selfish and thoughtless of them.  :angry: It doesn't cost much to ask the council to remove items of furniture. They must have a van, so surely they could take stuff to the local tip as well? :unsure:
They do but apparently the people at the tip charge extra if they think people are disposing of work-related materials (more likely to be the case with white vans). We let them put a load of their stuff on our skip once, thinking we were doing them a favour helping get rid of some of their household rubbish. A week later an identical pile appeared, and the penny dropped it must all be coming from his work.
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how awful for you, i get mad :rant: when neighbours round here burn their garden rubbish, they seem to wait until i have my washing out, wht do they need to do this?
id ring enviromental health as disposing of anything electrical now is fraught with rules and regulations.weve just recently had more paperwork through as we retail goods to the public and although we dont retail electrical theyve given us pages of new rules as to how electrical items have to be carefully disposed of now.they have to be returned to where youve purchased them from.if you tell enviromental health whats going on and mention electrical items that are from a business premises (specify that a lot of this stuff isnt domestic waste)i think theyll be out pretty sharpish! :- "
Maybe a little white lie saying that the smoke really made you ill, and ask them not to do it again. Is it allowed to burn anything at all? Another thing, if the fire gets rather big maybe you could call the firebrigade. I know somebody who did that, she told the firemen there was all this smoke coming from the next door garage, while she knew perfectly well it was a fire behind the garage, but it was so smoky...........who could really tell. :)
That is terrible.....I thought it was bad enough when our neighbour burns his garden rubbish plus a few odds and ends...and the smoke and debris drifted over our wall...

but that is nothing, compared to what your neighbours are burning. (w00t) I can understand you not wanting to fall out with them, but there surely is a limit to what you are allowed to burn in a garden. I would definitely be looking into it.