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Iggy On The Telly!


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I might be too late, not been able to log on for past 2 days, but Alice's sister Flora is on BBC3 House of Tiny Tearaways some time this week!

She helped a little girl with a phobia of dogs to overcome her problem o:) :wub: and by the end of the programme, apparently the little girl was taking her on the lead around an obstacle course!

I don't get BBC3, so her owner Jane is taping it for me, can't wait to see it.

Liz and the Monellis
Awww Doctor Flora what a lovely thing to be able to do :thumbsup: :huggles:
How exciting - well done Flora! :cheers:

Let us know if you find out which night it's on! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Yes, do! :) I'd love to see Alice's sister :thumbsup:
There was an Iggy on the American wife swop that my son was watching the other week
Hang on, someone swapped their wife/husband for an IG? (w00t) :lol: :lol:

sorry couldn't resist being stupid!! :- " :teehee:
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EJW said:
Hang on, someone swapped their wife/husband for an IG? (w00t)   :lol:   :lol: sorry couldn't resist being stupid!! :- "  :teehee:

Now why would anyone want a husband if they could have an Iggy? (w00t) :lol: I saw the Iggy on the tearaways programme but it was just a clip of the earlier programme which I missed. :(