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Iggies, more difficult than whippets??


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I've heard that 1 Iggy is more difficult to look after than 10 whippets... is that definite exaggeration or grounded in some fact?

Marie :blink:
IGs are not for the faint hearted. They are very very very active and unfortunately very agile too. I have two whippets to redress the balance of sanity.

I work a lot from home and when I am at the computer I tend to switch off to what is going on around me. When I do look up it is usually to a scene of total devastation. Every toy out of the toy box, anything from the kitchen dragged in that can be reached and anything from the garden that can be dragged through the dog flap.

Talking of dog flaps, watching five IGs all hit the flap doing 90mph can be quite entertaining. Then there is Hatty who has to have a harness on for walks and screams at the top of her voice all the way up to the field. Walks can be fun as they will challenge anything on 4 legs,. the bigger ,the better but will scream blue murder if they are challenged back.

Sex on legs best describes the IG. The males have it constantly on their mind and the females will do anything to get it. Hatty has just been for her fourth scan to date to confirm that yet again she is not pregnant, luckily the one time we did want a litter she got in whelp.

Other than that they are very affectionate and have a big sense of humour, usually at your expense, Jan D
You certainly paint a picture Jan :p

How do your whippets get along with your Iggies? Do they just ignore them and treat them with disdain as they slumber on the settee, or do they join in the fun? My miniature Schnauzer trys to get a reaction out of Fred when he's slumbering by pulling on his tail and running away :eek: If he doesn't get a reaction he just does it again until he does. :lol:
Ive always admired IGs from afar and always secretly dreamed of having one of my own but with my clumsy at times greyhounds and my hefer of a lurcher greyhound/shepherd/collie mix id worry about it all the time! Although I have heard that they are very good at sticking up for themselves and dont get pushed about easy is this true?

They are very beautiful dogs though :huggles:
We took a lot of advice before we went ahead and got an IG as a companion for our whippet (Derohan Reel Buddy). Our IG was a little 'reject', a show puppy who developed a fang and could no longer be used for shows or breeding. They get on like a house on fire. The great thing about IGs is that whippets use them as a hot water bottle, because of their higher body temperature. Angel is very good natured, lively, playful etc. but... she's the boss. She's absolutely fearless in a group of other whippets and is an honorary member of the South West Whippet racing club in Taunton, where she steals the show. The downside is that she's almost un-housetrainable (although we're making progress), especially in cold or wet weather. Also, she will not accept anything less than your total attention. No reading of newspapers here. I've discussed IGs with our whippet's trainer, a former police dog trainer, who says IGs are so bright and so quick that they need a very experienced trainer to get good results. Group training hardly ever works.

Overall, we're very happy with the two of them, but you have to be careful or the whippet will take on all of the bad characteristics of the IG. :oops:
House Training whats that? Oh yes thats the bit where you go outside to eat the bread fallen off the bird table, chase each other around the garden and then come in for a pee on the mat ;)

My younger whippet trys to join in when the IGs are playing but usually comes off worst having been thoroughly beaten up. My older whippet just ignores them all with distain and growls in their general direction which they think is just great and dance around in front of him just out of snapping distance.

Until June of last year I had a large Lurcher and a Greyhound (sadly both now gone to the rainbow bridge)and they were always very good with the IGs although the Lurcher would get a bit ratty with them towards the end. The greyhound was used by IG puppies as a big pillow and was very gentle and I still miss her.

Its a good job IGs are so affectionate and funny to live with, they need to be, Jan
Well lets just say as I currently have three greyhounds and one lurcher here at the moment and copious amounts of snow ive needed wellies these last few days! :oops: They so hate going out in the cold and pretend to have done what they need to do leg it in and do it in the kitchen! :rant:

Think I could probably handle the housetraining issues of an IG as after cleaning up after these three a little dogs doings would be easy ;)

Im sure at some point in my dog owning years I will look more closely into owning one I adore them! Cant wait for crufts this year to get up close and personal with a few :cheers:
We will be at Crufts, come and visit us. Liz Burgess has entered hers and I will be taking them for her as she has to work :( on the Arden Grange Stand. We are there on Friday as well for the breeders stakes, Cant remember what day Hounds are as I have nothing to enter as the whippet boys are now castrated along with the IG boys :thumbsup: Jan
Jan were going to Crufts on Hound day on the Sunday so will try to stop by! You will have to excuse me if I melt when I see them they are just so adorable :huggles:
Unfortunately the IGs are on Thursday Toy day. There will be some on the discover dog stand though. Jan
Must say I would NEVER be without my Iggies. They are a constant source of delight, mayhem and fun. If there's mischief to be had the Iggies are usually at the start of it and somehow always manage to be well out of the way when the mischief is discovered looking at me with a "Well I wasn't a naughty boy". Butter wouldn't melt and they are such good hot water bottles it saves a fortune.

We are at Crufts on Toy Day too showing Charlie, so pop along all of you and say hello. We're also there on hound day too showing the Whippets so you can say hello there too, if you like. Always happy to natter about both my beloved breeds.

Jan Fiers