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Ig Info Needed


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Hi, Everyone

I'm in need for some info about IG's coursing. I really would like to know how far can an IG course/ what is the standard distance of a IG course? I'm from Canada and course whippets and greyz and a fellow club member and I were just wondering about the little cuties because we haven't seen and course before.

Thanks for your help.

Hi Pear21, I think your answer to this will come more from the K9 members who live abroad than in the UK. Iggies here are not routinely coursed. I have found that mine dont chase lures but put them behind something live and watch this space. My George is a demon behind rabbits
I've decided little Zoomie chases air :clown:

I've just had the dogs out for a hike and he must have run over two hundred miles; he kept running ahead, running back, running ahead, running back etc etc... absolutely flat out.. chasing air??? :blink:

:lol: :teehee:
I would love to do simulated cousing with Gucci, no idea if she would chase the lure either, unless i tied a duck to it then i'm sure she would be 'mad for it'! :- " She seemed kind of keen at the race track where i raced my Lurchers but never got round to letting her have a go sadly
:teehee: When I was doing some stuff for Discover Dogs, I went to Mark Roberts neck of the woods and took Whippets and Iggies and they all went coursing (!)

BJ, my best boy, took one look at the lure and looked at me as if to say, "If you think I'm chasing that bit of plastic you can forget it"

Asharna - darling girl - I think was chasing after the much fitter dog in front of her than the lure!

So Whippets were a disaster.

Then we came to the Iggies.

Jack was good right up to the point when he came near the hedgebottom and that was it he was gone after the real thing.

But Charlie oh my lad Charlie, he coursed and he coursed and he coursed and would still be going now if possible. He did 4 full courses and had a thoroughly good time. Mark Roberts will be able to tell you the distance he went and ever since he has enjoyed himself immensely with anything that resembles a bright yellow plastic sack!

I think it would be brill if we could set up a meet (just for fun) to see how it went. Charlie would definitely be up for it! Must add he'd never seen a lure before that day.
Hi Mel,

Here in Belgium the Igs run the same distance as the whippets, and my dogs all love it. We used to go to the training with them (igs and whippets), they allways knew we were going to the track even before we got their and they all got wild about it and the moment the say the lure they were unstoppable. But now we live a bit to far from a track to do this anymore. Maybe when we have more time, we will take this up again.

Greetings Katia
katia said:
Hi Mel,
Here in Belgium the Igs run the same distance as the whippets, and my dogs all love it. We used to go to the training with them (igs and whippets), they allways knew we were going to the track even before we got their and they all got wild about it and the moment the say the lure they were unstoppable. But now we live a bit to far from a track to do this anymore. Maybe when we have more time, we will take this up again.

Greetings Katia

Thank you for all your help. :cheers:
janfiers said:
:teehee: When I was doing some stuff for Discover Dogs, I went to Mark Roberts neck of the woods and took Whippets and Iggies and they all went coursing (!)
BJ, my best boy, took one look at the lure and looked at me as if to say, "If you think I'm chasing that bit of plastic you can forget it"

Asharna - darling girl - I think was chasing after the much fitter dog in front of her than the lure!

So Whippets were a disaster.

Then we came to the Iggies.

Jack was good right up to the point when he came near the hedgebottom and that was it he was gone after the real thing.

But Charlie oh my lad Charlie, he coursed and he coursed and he coursed and would still be going now if possible.  He did 4 full courses and had a thoroughly good time.  Mark Roberts will be able to tell you the distance he went and ever since he has enjoyed  himself immensely with anything that resembles a bright yellow plastic sack!

I think it would be brill if we could set up a meet (just for fun) to see how it went.  Charlie would definitely be up for it!  Must add he'd never seen a lure before that day.

Thank you for all your help.

Mel :cheers:
katia said:
Here in Belgium the Igs run the same distance as the whippets, and my dogs all love it.
As I recall the Iggies who turned up to our local lurecoursing we really mean little chasers, Alfie's Norman went well, I can't remember the name of the other one who attented, but they both finished the course enjoyed themselves :thumbsup: Not being classified as sighthounds I think they were only allowed fun runs which was a shame. :(
My Paola is an avid courser - I cant even have her near the machine while setting up. She attacks it like a little Jack Russel.

I let them go the same distance as the whippets without any problem.

Back home we clasify iggies as Sighthounds so you see them regulary on the coursing events. Only problem you may encounter is that IG are sometimes 'mummy's boy/girl' and dont want to run too far from the owner.

Mel, just noticed you are from Canada. You can find more info on - I believe there are some fellow Canadien Ig owners on the board who can give you more info on the events. See the events section.