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If Your Dog Is Microchipped - We Need You!

Mr Whippy

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PLEASE SIGN (if you are in agreement) AND CROSSPOST.




Dolly's Directive - E Petition for Routine Scanning for Microchips

Update 26th June 2008

In February 2005, Dolly Mixture, a microchipped Jack Russell Terrier disappeared without a trace. Her owner, Mrs Candy King searched for her loyal companion, and soon learnt of the inadequacies within the microchipping system.


Candy was determined to do something about this loop-hole in the much promoted microchipping system. Supported by DogLost, Dolly's Directive was launched.

The directive requests routine and compulsory scanning of all dogs, new and existing, by all organisations that come into contact with dogs such as vets, police, stray dog kennels, re-homing centres and any other animal welfare charities.

If you have microchipped pets - this affects you!


Show your support to this directive, it will only take a few minutes of your time, complete the online petition today.

This petition closes on 11th July 2008 - make sure your voice is heard.

Thank You!
signed it. mine are chipped but I understand that if they were lost and re-homed even being chipped wouldnt help us be re-united if the new owners refused.
Signed this.

Mine are also chipped and what on earth is the point if scanning is not routine :eek:

I also feel that vets should scan as a matter of course on every consultation with a new animal client in order to ascertain if the animal may be stolen or strayed - wonder if this would be included in the directive? :thumbsup:
Mine are chipped :)) have signed this :thumbsup:
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Mine are chipped............but people aren't going to bother

if they don't get scanned as routine :wacko:
Surely if a chipped dog is reported missing to the police and is then rehomed it must still be the property of the original owner?
I've had Tina's ear tattooed as well as had her chipped - we are paranoid about losing her :huggles: It took seconds to do and didn't hurt her one bit :thumbsup: Yet the vet couldn't chip her as she wriggled and got herself all stressed out so much - they had to do her a week later when she was spayed and asleep under the anaesthetic :- "

Let's hope this DOES become law as it rather defeats the object of getting your dog chipped at all if nobody bothers to check :eek: :rant:
melanie said:
iv signed, hope it helps!
I hope it helps too! It seem we are all so keen to talk about our dogs but when it comes down to it some are slow to actually DO anything about it. I've crossposted this thread on as many forums as I can find ( I use this one but not others I've posted on) and was actually told off on one for posting the material in more than one place. The info is relevant to most dog owners and has the interests of all at heart, yet I was accused of being a spammer!

I won't give up yet but it does make me question where the motivation of some people moderating such sites lies! (This comment obviously totally excludes K9)
Happy Humber said:
Surely if a chipped dog is reported missing to the police and is then rehomed it must still be the property of the original owner?
Unfortunately legally the microchip doesn't prove ownership of the dog. :wacko:

It only proves ownership of the microchip itself. (Don't ask me how the heck that is supposed to work, but there you go.)

There was a case were the previous owners had microchipped the dog and a rescue organisation had taken it in, not scanned (or maybe missed it?), rehomed it and when the original owners found out what happened they tried to get the dog back, using the microchip as proof of ownership. They lost the case!!!

Mr Whippy said:
I've crossposted this thread on as many forums as I can find ( I use this one but not others I've posted on) and was actually told off on one for posting the material in more than one place. The info is relevant to most dog owners and has the interests of all at heart, yet I was accused of being a spammer!I won't give up yet but it does make me question where the motivation of some people moderating such sites lies! (This comment obviously totally excludes K9)
I think if you have issues with members on another forum take it to them there and discuss it rather than bitching on here about it.

The member (a well respected one who does great work on rehabilitating rescue dogs) on there was offering you advice on your postings appearing as spam (and therefore risking deletionby moderators) since they were in every section on a big forum. The General Chat section of that Forum is viewed by most if not all on there.

But as I say; perhaps this issue is for discussion back on that forum; not behind the backs of those people who you are talking about.
You are right Evie, and I apologise and retract that statement. I was feeling frustrated at the policy and not the person and took it out in an innappropriate manner by making an ill thought out comment.
I've added my signature. Our dogs are chipped and I'd hate to think that one could be lost because it wasn't scanned.
Mr Whippy said:
You are right Evie, and I apologise and retract that statement. I was feeling frustrated at the policy and not the person and took it out in an innappropriate manner by making an ill thought out comment.
Thank you. :thumbsup:
I signed it

We intend to get our pup microchipped but seems like no point if they dont have to be scanned! Silly really!
Mr Whippy said:
You are right Evie, and I apologise and retract that statement. I was feeling frustrated at the policy and not the person and took it out in an innappropriate manner by making an ill thought out comment.

Apology accepted :thumbsup:

I was the one who pm`d you, [ had a devil of a time getting logged in here to respond, I lost all my bookmarks and log ins in a recent PC crash and had to re-register under a new name :wacko: ], I`m sorry if you thought it was a telling off, it was`nt intended that way at all :(

The reason for the policy on the other forum is to prevent spamming as it does happen a lot, and the admin system does flag up multiple posts which are usually all deleted because, as explained, the system for members there makes navigation very easy so one post will be seen by all members using the New Posts option which most do hence multiple postings are considered spam due to a single thread being all that`s needed.

As the topic is so important and as luckily I was logged in at the time, I was able to prevent it automatically being treated as spam so admin were able to avoid deleting all the posts.

Admin there have now merged everything for you on to one thread in the busiest area of the forum and your thread has been getting lots of response from people signing and saying they are crossposting so the aim is being achieved :))

I hope this clears up why the policy on spam is in place and shows that in genuine cases such as yours admin does take the time to help, not hinder :))

[ and you never know who are members in other places where they are being talked about ;) :lol: ]
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Most of mine are microchipped :cheers:

I work in a vets and if they scaned all the animals that came in it still wouldnt show that the person with the animall is the owner /or not

All if gives is a number .

However if someone comes in with a stray cat etc , we do scan and give the `finder ` the number to ring so as to reunite owner and animal. It is not in the vets power to confiscate said animal
I have both mine chipped. Thinking I might get them tatooed as well now. But I wonder if they would even act on that to see who the owner was?