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Id Like To Have 5 Mins With This Woman

BLOODY DISGUSTING.............what the hell goes through the minds of monsters like this :rant: :rant:
:rant: :rant: :rant: words fail me :rant: :rant: :rant:

sentences should be so much harsher :rant: :rant: :rant:
Me too Kris... :angry:

the picture I saw of her in our local paper...she was smiling leaving court... :rant:

I hope somebody recognises that evil bitch in the street, and gives her a bloody good kicking & maybe knock several teeth out at the same time.

Vile cow will get her come uppance.
She looks retarded... Give me 5 minutes and I'd wipe the smile off her minging face :angry:
a lifetime ban...oooh, harsh. that should teach her then.........
It's a pity that we don't still have the cat of 9 tails, I would have put myself forward to use it on her :rant:
sick smug b**ch!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
god help the world when this waste of skin reproduces. what moral guidelines will she set to her children? shining example of modern society :x
i would love to get that bitch on her own!
Just cant understand the mentality of some people :( :rant:

..and as for the other girl ..'cant be named for legal reasons' that really pees me off!! Why should they be protected just because a certian age! :rant: :rant: