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I Would Like To Know General Cousing Regulations.


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Hello, everyone!

I am happy to find this wonderful community.

Nomally, Sighthounds are not popular and familliar in South Korea where I live, so I can not learn enough about them.

I enjoy showing, cousing, racing with them and my favorite thing is lurecousing.

Anyway, my friend is planning to hold the first lurecousing game here, but we don't know about cosing rules yet.

For example, the area of field, course of line, how score hounds things like this need to be fully aware before holding cousing.

Your comments will be help to settle the regulaions of Korean cousing.

Thank you for reading.

Hanmin Lee

(I have some whippets coming from Australia)
Hi Redcomet

Easy option is to have a 'first pass the post' rule ie the first dog to the winning line wins.

In Europe the rules are complex ie points awarded for work

Fastest away from the sty (the start) gets 1 point.

There are also jumps - if a dog jumps 1 point, etc.

If the dog at the back passes the dog in front on a straight 1 point

if passing on the outside of a bend possibly 2 points

I'm sure there are web sites with the rules.


get a copy of the old Hare Coursing Rules and modify them for Lure coursing.

If you need any help I'm happy to - email me with your questions.
The best person to speak to is Gary Peskett from the BSFA he has been running lure coursing in this country for 20 years or so and could tell you the points system they use. He can be contacted at or go onto the BSFA website

Good Luck
