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I Was So Scared

kim & Tilly

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This morning i got up and did the normal things, put tilly outside etc.......

I was up in the bedroom when i heard her cry, not like i want to come in but something else. I asked my Daughter to let her in and Tilly came running upstairs rubbing her nose in the duvet. When she looked up her mouth was all swollen and was getting worse, i had a look and noticed a bee sting poking out her top lip, i pulled it out , that took some doing.

And rushed her off to the vets, where they sent me to the vet hospital, not enought vets in the last practise :angry:

Glad to say with two injections, which really hurt her :( , she is much better and has stopped her mick Jagger impression :D
Did they not give you piriton tablets aswell? you are meant to give them every 8 hrs for 2 days after the sting, x
Yes i had 6 tablets....but he said if the swelling went down not to give them to her..

She is back to normal now :thumbsup: :wub:
poor tilly, i got stung last week at the yard where i keep my horses, then rupert got stung while sitting in the car, luckly i had some antihistamine cream in the car and i put that stright on him, his nose went down with in half an hour. we both got stung by the one that leaves the sting behind, is that a wasp or bee :blink:
Poor Tilly, glad it is all OK now.

Sid loves to chase the bees and tries to catch them - my heart goes in my mouth. Now we have seen some "giant" bees, I mean they are really big - not like our normal ones - does anybody know what these are.
Ouch! Poor Tilly! Glad she's feeling better. Check out this link in FAQ LINK for some really good wasp/bee sting first aid, and also a list of stuff to hold in your own First Aid Kit For Dogs - that way you can be prepared if anything happens :thumbsup: Josie got stung this morning too, I gave her quarter of a piriton tablet and the lump was gone in an hour, phew! She's fine now.
Hope Tilly is a lot better now. :cheers: :luck: