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I really want a beagle but is it right?


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I've got my heart set on getting a beagle. I have two small children (aged 4 and 19 months) and think they'd really benefit from having a dog around as will I. I don't work so I have the time, we have the space and the areas sound to go on nice "smelly" walks. I do have a rabbit that runs free in the garden though. Is this something that can be overcome through gentle introduction? If we wanted to take the kids out for the day where we couldn't take the dog, would it be OK? We've never had a dog before so are trying to do as much homework as possible.

Many thanks in advance for any responses.
Lots of points for you to think about in having your first dog...

Beagles are great with kids and a lovely size

But they are VERY wilful and difficult to train especially recall and to stop them theiving

as an adult it should be ok to leave them for 4 hours occasionally, but as pups or for any longer it would be better to get a dog sitter/walker

I think rabbit could be an issue with a hunting dog like a beagle and will very much depend on the beagle and the way you handle introductions, I wouldn't have any worries about running a rabbit with my two whippets but they are very good

Get in touch with the Beagle Association's of britain for better beagle advice
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winning the dog trophy.jpgBeagles are amazing I've had 3 and would not have any other breed, they are so much fun, have so much cheek, and are the cuddliest things I have ever met. They are however hard work and require a lot of exercise to prevent them becoming bored, destructive and obese. My youngest decided last weekend to chew the key to my husbands new landrover (£180 for a new one) just because he could!! To be fair to them its only toys and beds that have been destroyed in the past.

I have two beagle boys just now age 2 and 9, I get up and walk them around the woods for an hour before work, the oldest is off lead running, youngest unfortunately has to stay on lead as NOTHING will make him come back to me, he is distracted by pine cones, feathers, sticks, rabbit poo, rabbits, birds etc etc etc I have and still am taking him to training classes so that hopefully one day he can run with his big brother. Dogs then come to work with me and get a walk at lunchtime, then home and another hour around the woods, weekends involve long walks various places.

I would not trust either of mine with a free running rabbit in my garden I'm afraid the urge to chase is just too strong, they would not bother if the rabbit was still but the minute it moved it would be chased.

The best advice I would give you is to go to a show or beagle event and spend some time talking to various owners and get there honest experiences and knowledge before you buy a puppy. Where are you based? If in Scotland you would be very welcome to bring hubby and kids along to our beagle racing club on a sunday and meet the gang.