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john m

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I.R.G. Open at Blidworth 12-10-03

A very good days racing with everyone getting a least two runs, it was nice to see the lads from up north as well as those from down south come and support the event.

A sack of red mills went to the owners of Jollyjo and the atmosphere between the racers was a credit to our sport.

All racing was at 150 yards at 1 yard per lb front dog.

I would like to thank Elaine (Pretty Mad) for the generous donation of the added prize money at today’s event, I know it was most welcome by the racing fraternity at our meeting.

Scratch winner Ross’s Rocket

Team winners, My starlight express, Take your pick, Maid for this

Heat winners not in the finals

Lennox, Fizz, Girl power, My sonny princess, Trouble spot.

D Final, 1st Sing on venture, 2nd R kelly

C Final, 1st Jackamite, 2nd Pretty mad

B Final, 1st My starlight express, 2nd One more

A Final 1st She’s the tops, 2nd Elbon sue.

Balance sheet Income

31 dogs in handicap x£3 = £93-00p

2 scratch dogs = £06-00p

Added Prize Money = £75-00p

Total In =£174-00p

Pay out

6 Heat winners not in final x £5 = £30-00p

Scratch winner = £10-00p

Team winners 3x£5-00p = £15-00p

B,C,D, winners 3x£17-00p = £51-00p

B,C,D, seconds 3x£10-00p = £30-00p

A winner 1x £23-00p = £23-00p

A second 1x £15-00p = £15-00p

Total Out =£174-00p
Hello Dee, we draw teams out of the hat before racing and when they run, depending on there performace ie, place in there race, they get points, the winning team are those who get the most points. this is at no extra cost to the racer but it adds interest and you can shout on other dogs besides your own. i hope this explains it for you. john m
u bussin cos u pay all out wat u take in.. nobody minds wat u pay out peple understand why clubs pay out 80% for example. its only 50p less wats 50p its nothin john.. did i have trophies on??? who paid for em??? why do u run the irg???? do u get summit uot of it???
Sonof pork

The balance sheet is to show no money is taken out for expenses and there is 100% payout or more. This is better than the other national organisations which don`t payout as much.

You are incorrect in stating that no one minds if the payout is not 100% as I mind ( and I guarrentee I`m not alone), especially if I don`t know were the remaining money goes and I mind even more when I do know were part of the money goes - in "expenses" for officials etc

The IRG does provide trophys at some events as well as 100% payout - the trophies paid by sponsors and not by those racing.

If the difference is only 50p and is not signoficant whats the point in keeping it - can clubs really not survive for the sake of 50p per dog - I doubt it. Our club open paid out 100% and gave trophies and it didn`t bankrupt us - in fact the open cost the club nothing.

I suppose John runs the IRG as an alternative to other organisations - it seems popular so he must be doing something right
tony m8 were does clubs like peterlee and stockton and other places get money from to run there clubs.. at stockton the track is always like a bowlin green for the opens we all go down cut it and tidy it up.. were does all the money cum from fundraisin m8 u do it n e way possible... if u moan bout 50p m8 u must not b well off m8 its only 50p.. not every club gets sponsored though do they tony u the bwra gives trophys out instead of money then at least uve got sumit to remember wen u won ure title u cant put the envelope on the mantle piece can u......
The money to keep clubs going comes from its members. The 20% levy on dogs at an open amounts to very little - not enough to be significant and not enough to support a club.

The 50p is irrelevant in itself its obviously a small amount, its what is done with the money from racers that matters. No one begrudges clubs this small amount and most racers will enter the raffle even though they know the prizes may not represent good value for their money - they do it as a donation. It is upto individual clubs to arrange sponsors but I can see no reason for others not to get some sponsorship.

Trophies are only worth having for major events; most racers would prefer the money for routine opens. IRG trophies are in addition to 100% payout. I have bought trophies and I am aware of how much they cost. Needless to say for most of those opens with no payout and trophies the trophy costs are (often much) less than the entry fees. To give cheap trophies after taking an entry fee is insulting.
Well, I never thought that the I.R.G. would be castigated for producing a balance sheet at every meeting to show all of the racers where there money had gone and what it had been spent on.

Some clubs and groups haven’t got the decency to produce a balance sheet once per year

I have no intention on telling other clubs how to run their opens or ask about other clubs financers apart from those that I am a member of.

If the people who come and race with the I.R.G. wish to have trophy’s or anything else supplied instead of added prize money they only have to ask and provided that they are in the majority then they will have it, but that will also be shown on the race day balance sheet.

The I.R.G. finances are open to scrutiny at any time by anyone who runs with the I.R.G.

Why the sudden interest in the finances of this group, I could very well understand your interest if I didn’t produce a balance sheet.

I can run this group without having any of the racers pay for membership, my only considerations are that I give the racing public the best deal I can, as I am sure that your Stockton club does also.

You’re asking of the question (Why do you run the I.R.G. and do I get something out of it) answer,

I do not get any financial benefit from running the I.R.G. but I get enormous pleasure when people thank me for putting on good race events that we all can enjoy.

In ending I will say that if you come and race your dogs with us you are entitled to ask for a change in the added payment system and to change it to whatever you would like providing that you have more than 50% of the racers with you, its called democracy, that’s what the I.R.G. is about, and yes I will be (bussin) proud about giving racers what they want. Yours, John Meades
I would just like to add that from my point of view the regular changes in the racing format & venues for IRG meeting is a major factor in it's success.
After reading through your post again these are some of the points my first reply missed out on

I would also like to add that at every meeting we pay out added prize money (yesterday it was a total of £75-00p) and that at our medals meeting, (could be called the I.R.G. championship if you wish) we paid out 100% of money taken in plus the cost of the medals themselves, so that way SON Of PORK you can put a medal on the mantelshelf, and have a full brown packet, well you can if you race with the I.R.G.
seems like the net is an easy way to have a pop at someone for doing no harm to others, in fact it gives others a chance to race with a different format at no extra cost, whats wrong in that, John might have a bone to pick with the other organisations, thats his business not mine so if the IRG continues to offer great value racing, then good luck to them, no one is forcing anyone to race at any given event, but if your happy the way things are done then people will return. PS I think all organisations need to give good value in this day and age, and all this complaining helps no-one ! This was posted by Peter Scott.
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if it wernt for irg son of pork there would be alot more people leaving the sport :w
Not only is the 100% payout a good factor of the IRG but also you get at least two runs for your money whether you come first ot last. You don't have to pay extra to enter a consolation event and the events that I have seen advertised always have ABC grading welcoming dogs from club level dogs to the open winning field and giving everyone a fair chance of getting a bit of prestige whether their dog is the fastest out there or not. I enjoy racing at the IRG events, they have a nice relaxed atmosphere and I can sit back enjoy the day whether my dog runs like a pudding or not. Keep it up John there are many of us gonna be there in support of the IRG :D
what is sunday comings venue john ?
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Next I.R.G. meeting is at Manton on the 16th of November Dee 150yards at 2 foot I hope to be at warwick to see the bend racers on sunday,then its your way up at Murton, see you soon i hope, john m
thanks john ..i thought there might have been one on this weekend and couldn't check as i have lost my news sheet ..durrrr