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I.R.G. RESULTS 01-01-04

john m

New Member
Reaction score

No limit Scratch Houdini

38 lb Scratch Ballystorm, heat Ross’s Rocket

E Final Waterford 1st R Kelly 2nd

D Final Vanderson 1st Miss Mellish 2nd

C Final Pretty Mad 1st My Gem 2nd

B Final One More 1st Rag Crazy 2nd

A Final Short spot 1st Mad Mick 2nd My Starlight Express 3rd Polar Promise 4th Maid For This 5th

When I arrived at the track it was touch and go if we would be running as the frost in the ground just under the top of the ground had not dissipated and the fresh water that had come from the snow that had melted was lying on the track. By 11-00 am this water started to drain away so we proceeded with the weighing of the 34 dogs that the owners were willing to run. Weigh in was up to 12-00. The sun decided to shine for much of the racing and with the 12-10 start for the scratch heats we were up and running. The main handicap of 5 heats of 5 started at 12-30 pm and a nice afternoon of racing followed. Bags of sweets and chocolates were given out to the small children and to the Big Kids as well (adults that is).

The event was all done and dusted by 2-30pm and those who had made a long trip were able to have 2 hours of daylight to drive home in. I would like to thank all of the helpers and all of the racers who made this a fine day of racing.
well done all winners and organisers :D and all the people who atended
Excellent days racing, very efficient as always!

Well done Mr Meades and Team.

Karen, Steve and Harry :D