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I Now Have A Leaving Date.


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After my so called last post,a lot of things have changed.mainly im leaving before xmas now,i now have my leaving date,work permit and a small villa,so im all set to return to sunny tenerife,to live and to work.It has been a very hard decision for me to make,but i now feel it is the right move,i will still be on for the next week and a bit,as im using my daughters pc,while visiting her,many good memories and friends have been made on here and i will miss you all very much,hopefully once i have settled into the old routine etc,i might get myself a pc and once again join you all.

THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT: too many to name but you know who you are. :huggles:
Very Best of luck with your venture... :luck: :luck:

Tenerife is a lovely place....lucky you.. :luck: :cheers:
:luck: I wish you good luck, whatever you do and wherever you go :luck: and make sure you DO get a pc and keep in touch. All the best :cheers:

you will be sorely missed :( chat wont be the same without you :huggles:

the very best of luck hun :huggles:
gonna miss you mate,had some good laughs again lately,no doubt we`ll come out to see you once your settled,just concentrate on the rest of your life now,be bloody careful this time.

sure we`ll see each other before you go im only up the road.
:luck: how brave you are...

what kind of work will you be doing?

i`ll answer that one for you,as he hasn`t access to a pc always,he is going to be doing security work,also door work at clubs etc,very dangerous work as he got stabbed once before.
cheers mark and everyone i will be ok,that was a long time ago now,as everyone keeps saying you gotta move on,anyone visiting the clubs of LA OROTAVA may bump into me.just mention k9 i may let you in.. :- "
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the very best of good :luck: chat room wont be the same without you