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I Have Another Oldie...


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Life just isn't the same without the Edster, but we adopted an old collie boy a short while ago, and Willow perked up a bit with his arrival. He's had a liver problem and 3 tumours, benign thankfully. But he's ok now, and happy, and such a nice lad :)) But he's not a whippy :blink:

Anyway, SOL was sent this piccy of an oldie who had arrived at a 'rescue' via a Welsh dog pound. The rescue took one look at her and decided she'd be better off put down! However, their vet disagreed, and thankfully they went with his recommendation and agreed for him to remove most of her back teeth, which were rotten and green and oozing. The poor girl must have felt so ill with them in her mouth, and she was very thin, and scabby too from a flea allergy.

Our lovely supporter wanted to buy her out if someone could take her, and well, I showed Dave her photo, and as she wasn't too far from where he worked we decided we'd have her. So bank holiday Saturday was spent in a car park laughingly referred to as a main road and motorway, driving to fetch wee Holly!

This was the pic we were initially sent holly8b.jpg

And a few days on, this is her now


Posing with Willow

and roaching with dad!


She's still very scabby and scurfy along her back, and despite a bath she smells again. But her mouth is healing, she's eating well and bouncing for a walk, and she's generally a little poppet! :wub:

And I don't think she's pure whippet, but I thought she was whippy enough to post her in here, to show all those lovely people who were such fans of little Edward, and were so kind in sending condolences when we lost him back in February. :flowers: We still miss his huge personality, but I'm sure he'd approve of our new girl :thumbsup:

And here's a pic of all 3 of the furry family, being fed by their gran!

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That is lovely - I'm so glad that Holly has ended up in such a great home with you :D I am positive Edster would have approved :huggles:

Please keep us posted on how you settles in
She's LOVELY! So glad she's ended up in a lovely home with you all.
I thoroughly loved reading your story as the ending is just so happy. The before and after photos of Holly brings a tear to my eye. Holly looks extremely happy and she has certainly been a lucky girl finding you and now has a wonderful home for life - she couldn't have wished for more :huggles: Wishing you all the best :D
How lovely Holly has found you :huggles: shes a lovely girl... :wub: who Im sure will try very hard to fill that Eddy sized gap in your hearts.

Good luck... :luck: :luck: and many many happy years together. :cheers:
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what would the world do without people like you :huggles:

well done for taking her on , she looks so happy and right at home :wub:
:huggles: :wub: :wub: :huggles:

well done :thumbsup:
How lovely,well done to you for giving a loving secure home for the rest of her life :thumbsup: :wub: :wub:
What a lucky lady Holly is to have found someone to love her in her twilight years. Good luck with her. She is lovely.

Oh fantastic news, Anne!!! Holly is lovely and I just know that Eddie is watching with approval from the other side of the bridge :huggles: I'm really pleased for you, and also for Holly. She's come to such a lovely home. Best of luck with her :luck:
Holly looks like a lovely lady ... and a lucky one too to have found such a great new home.

How lovely and what a lucky girl she is and so sweet :wub:

Let's hope she has lots of happy hours with you all :cheers:

You really are truly amazing!!!! Holly has been extremely lucky she so beautiful :)) she seems so happy with you and your family :)) what a lovely story all credit to you :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
this is one of the best topics i have read on k9, just seeing Holly with her new family is wonderful, the very best of luck with her :wub:
what a brilliant story to read,lucky holly for finding you :thumbsup:

heres wishing you and holly all the best :luck: :luck: :luck:
What a lucky girl Holly is,and lovely too.Its so nice to see an oldie getting a good home :wub:
Holly looks a real sweetheart :wub: - well done you for giving her such a lovely home. :huggles:

Holly is lovely. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: She reminds me of the lurcher my friend had for a couple of years. She was called Christie:


Sadly Christie died a year ago but her spirit lives on. o:)

Best of luck with your family. They're all lovely. :wub: :wub: :wub:
i deffinately think she would get the Edsters approval, :wub:

her face in that first photo :'( the desperate helpless look and fear in her eyes just makes me well up. she looked a very confused and frightened old lady.

now replaced with a look of bliss and happiness at having her tummy scratched :)

o:) you're her angel o:)