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I have 4 dogs 1unknow keeps weting on bed how do I stop this


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I have 4 small assorted breeds/cross breed dogs 3 female 1 male all aged between 1-3. one keeps wetting on my bed and I dont know which one it is please can some one help I am getting to the end of my tether.
four dogs on onebed wow do you sleep on the floor lol right which one was the last dog in?
Do you mean during the day? If so, I suggest keeping the door shut.
Dont let them on your bed. I know this does not help you figure out which dog is wetting or why, but if your bed is the only place it happens then it is easily stopped.
erm.. Do you mean weeing while they are asleep, like by accident? Or actually getting up there and peeing?! The little pests! Obviously you will have to keep them all off till you work out by elimination (no pun intended) which it is. You say they are small, do you have to lift them up there or anything like that? Does your boy one lift his leg to pee? As lurcherman said, which was the last one in? And which considers itself the boss? Does it happen while you are out or in?

I would forbid them all from getting up there and then carefully watch the dynamics of the group to see if maybe one is hellbent on getting up there, as it thinks its own bed or something. Or perhaps one is getting up there and peeing cos its getting a bit bullied by the others? Or some kind of protest?? Maybe it could be sign of some kind of waterwork trouble, maybe watch to see if one needs the loo, or drinks a lot more than others.

Can you honestly hand on heart not pick the most likely pee-er? Is there one that is reluctant to go out in this horrible weather? Peeing on your bed is very rude behaviour, dogs do know this. If my dog peed on my bed i would never ever let him up there again!

Maybe you should put some sticky tape up there and see which colour fluff you find on it! Or put some glitter or something, then check out which dog is all sparkly when you get in :)
also.... Photo's please! We'd all like an identity parade, see if we can spot a guilty face, :)