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I Hate........

obese people feeding there fat faces with sweets and pies then wonder why they are size 25 ......... :eek:

bloaters who blame their weight on their gland problem, stop eating so many of them then ! :x

kids in restaurants who cant even use knives and forks correctly......parental fault

the "3 bears family" sitting in burger king..probably drove 300yds to it aswell.

kids at dining tables with games hand-held-consoles.....for once do as your parents tell you

time wasters..... :rant:

foreign call centre staff...100% english speakers only :- "

people who continuosly use the expression "it was a fantastic journey" were on a tv program not up the fecking alps ! :blink:

mums that try to dress like daughters...your daughter is 20 you my love are 56 with a mouth like a burnt out fort and your face requires 2 of sand and 1 of cement not foundation !! :* :x

american tv programs that start at 2200hrs then after 3 minutes are still flashing up titles then at 2208 is interuppetd by the first of 6 adverts in the hour.

FA cup on Match of the Day...when they keep saying "EON sponsored FA CUP"

trainers from poundstretcher :blink:

grissle in sausages :unsure: :x

and im stopping with this one for house buying programs, as soon as the potential buyers walk in to the first room the always say "its a good sized room"....well is it really now ! :blink: :blink:

ooh oh and this....constant stupid singing dancing cooking competition tv progs :angry:
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i hate.........

bad drivers !

the person who keeps letting their dog shite outside my front door !!

the house being messy

people who look down their noses at other people

net curtains

Gary rhodes (chef)

perverts !!!!!!!!!!!!! :rant:

drugs !!!!!!!!!!!!! :rant:

oh yeah, and people who are always late :angry:
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I hate...





Every-body first thing in the morning!
F*cking hell - i hate people who can narrow their "i hate list" down to anything under 45 lines!!!! :lol:

I just find people so god damn annoying - give me a dog any day!!!!
stoopid selfish women that can't drive, in 4x4's stopping in the middle of the road to drop off their little darlings at school, ...

who give you a gob full of abuse if you complain they are holding you up...

who give you a gob full of abuse if you hold them up...

people who don't grasp the concept of roundabouts... they are called ROUND abouts for a reason... so don't just drive straight over them and cut me up. :rant:

people with no manners

people who don't hold the door

people who beleive it's always their right of way, and will happily shove you aside

people who would rather block the whole street and cause chaos than let someone out in front of them

people that can't even muster a thankyou, a nod, or even crack a slight smile when you've gone out of your way to be helpful.

chewing gum on the floor

spitting yoofs

the drunks that use my flowerbeds as urinals on the way home from the pub :x

the arsehole that park accross my drive so they can nip in the chippy next door and inform me that they'll only be a couple of minutes :rant: :rant:

nobheads that overtake funeral precessions :rant: you disrespectfull bastards

any driver in a BMW

people who litter... you are SCUM!!!


scam emails

lazy gits that let others do the work

and those legal leeches from the "where there is blame there is a claim" companies

:blink: and here was me thinking i wouldn't come up with anything :lol:
Anita Harris :x

Bonny Langford :x


The word-BESPOKE...Christ its everywhere at the mo!

Christmas without Leslie Crowther on the hospital wards...Its just not the same anymore-Lol

Pease Pudding in a tin.....
ok here we go .....

2 people that think ther better than anybody else

3 ignorant people

4 racists

5 women beaters

6 child abusers

7 animal abusers

8 fooking pub landlords that have stop ons, :angry: so not only do we have to put up with normal throwing out time ,we have to got throu it all again about 1/2 am in the morning :rant:

9 people that dont say please or thank you

10 stepping in dogs shit in the dark ,because your beloved dog has shit right outside the back door ,even though you have like a 40ft garden for them to do it in :- "

11 teenagers :- "

12 pissed mothers

13 nagging mothers

14 FOOTBALL or any sport come to that :- "

15 big lorries that wake me up at 5/6 am

16 rain

17 ironing and washing and cleaning :- "

18 mushy pease :x

19 sweed

20 parsnips

21 people with no compasion



24 slow drivers

25 traffic lights

26 traffic ques

27 kids that say mam your spoiling my life or go on hit me il call childline :- " hit you il slap ya upside the head with me fooking ruler :angry:

28 oooo yeh and my biggest hate fooking lazy low life CHAVS

nicky12 said:
ok here we go .....2 people that think ther better than anybody else

3 ignorant people

4 racists

5 women  beaters

6 child abusers

7 animal abusers

7.5  SELF ABUSERS   the dirty filthy tossers

8 fooking pub landlords that have stop ons, :angry:   so not only do we have to put up with normal throwing out time ,we have to got throu it all again about 1/2 am in the morning  :rant:

9 people that dont say please or thank you

10 stepping in dogs shit in the dark ,because your beloved dog has shit right outside the back door ,even though you have like a 40ft garden for them to do it in  :- "

11 teenagers  :- "

12 pissed mothers

13 nagging mothers

14 FOOTBALL or any sport come to that  :- "

15 big lorries that wake me up at 5/6 am

16 rain

17 ironing and washing and cleaning :- "

18 mushy pease  :x

19 sweed

20 parsnips

21 people with no compasion



24 slow drivers

25 traffic lights

26 traffic ques

27 kids that say mam your spoiling my life or go on hit  me il call childline  :- " hit you il slap ya upside the head with me fooking ruler  :angry:

28 oooo yeh and my biggest hate fooking lazy low life CHAVS


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ok here come some more

boys who wear their trousers belted underneath their a**es - then don't even wear decent pants!

people who take the pay cheque but think actually working for it is optional

soaps - all of them, there's enough to cope with when real people you know are having traumas, without having to worry about pretend people having pretend traumas

animals that have been bred for aesthetics, waaaaay beyond what is healthy for them .... hello, dog's need to BREATH you know

people who lie to avoid responsibility - if you did it, hold up your hands, you are supposed to be a grown up (ignore this one if you're still a child!)

lorries overtaking on motorways, particularly in the outside lane

h8 txt spk - words have vowels for a reason

people who think that just because they articulate that means they are right (yes, I have been out with a lawyer!)

will that do ya for now karen????
urchin said:
ok here come some more
boys who wear their trousers belted underneath their a**es - then don't even wear decent pants!

people who take the pay cheque but think actually working for it is optional

soaps - all of them, there's enough to cope with when real people you know are having traumas, without having to worry about pretend people having pretend traumas

particularly omnibus 3 hour long ones that have became very popular with the shit-for-brains-brigade

animals that have been bred for aesthetics, waaaaay beyond what is healthy for them .... hello, dog's need to BREATH you know

people who lie to avoid responsibility - if you did it, hold up your hands, you are supposed to be a grown up (ignore this one if you're still a child!)

lorries overtaking on motorways, particularly in the outside lane

h8 txt spk - words have vowels for a reason

people who think that just because they articulate that means they are right (yes, I have been out with a lawyer!)

will that do ya for now karen????


- inflated vet bills

- women who beat their fellas (yes this does happen much more than you think) or those who are quite happy to 'dish out' the slaps but scream blue murder if anyone dares retaliate

- Monday mornings

- the toilet seat being left up

- going upstairs and forgetting what you went for, only to come down and remember!

- forgetting what you were going to say

- someone putting the phone down on me

- the phrase about insurance companies, they are happy to take your money but always find an excuse not to pay out

- blind devotion to Lewis bloody Hamilton

- people who comment 'how many dogs/horses do you have!!?'

- the question, 'when are you getting married', then 'when you having kids', then 'wont be long til the next one'

- immature/childish adults

- neighbours who complain about a dog barking but expect me to put up with their crying baby all hours of the day or night (if someone knocks on my door my dog will bark!!!)

To name but a few.... :b
- people who assume others have a weight issue cos they are lazy, greedy etc

- name calling and petty squabbles

- being told by oh that i cant have a puppy.... :- "

- the amount i have to pay on INCOME TAX
ooooooooooooooh!! thought of another...

Telesales calls, auto dial telesale systems, my home phone ringing and computer generated voices tryng to sell me 'new' products
Houses that have their living room upstairs...Whats that all about? It's wrong.

Housework! 6 months later you have to do it all AGAIN!!!!
maggiemay2 said:
- BARB WIRE!! - inflated vet bills

- women who beat their fellas (yes this does happen much more than you think) or those who are quite happy to 'dish out' the slaps but scream blue murder if anyone dares retaliate

- Monday mornings

- the toilet seat being left up

- going upstairs and forgetting what you went for, only to come down and remember!

- forgetting what you were going to say

- someone putting the phone down on me

- the phrase about insurance companies, they are happy to take your money but always find an excuse not to pay out

- blind devotion to Lewis bloody Hamilton

- people who comment 'how many dogs/horses do you have!!?'

- the question, 'when are you getting married', then 'when you having kids', then 'wont be long til the next one'

- immature/childish adults

- neighbours who complain about a dog barking but expect me to put up with their crying baby all hours of the day or night (if someone knocks on my door my dog will bark!!!)

To name but a few....  :b

THE TOILET SEAT BEING LEFT DOWN !! why should we have to lift it ? :blink:
I hate back stabbing people

Spinless people

Unreliable friends

Having to wait for something that you really want done e.g. my next tattoo

Rediculous house prices so i cannot get on the ladder

People who automatically assume you should either have an education or dedicated career, you shouldnt just have a job.
[SIZE=21pt]beemer drivers![/SIZE] :thumbsup:
jinnyfizz said:
I've always tried to find the good side of everything in life but there's one thing which is unforgiveable in my book ..................child or animal abuse, either mentally or physically :rant:

Anything else pales into insignificance

Jane, im with you all the way on that one :thumbsup:
I hate queing up at the bar in the pub and realising your invisible to the bimbo barmaid!

Rude people

Two faced people who one minute slag you off then the next minute ask if you want to go for a drink with them

Yes People

close talkers - i need personal space!!! :rant:

Oh and the fact Gordon Brown is crap and we cant vote him out for 2 years!

And people hurling abuse at our brave ARMY, RAF AND NAVY PERSONELL!!

Lol well im glad to get that off my chest!
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