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Hello all,

I am looking for some advice, feedback and experiences with hypothyroidism.

I own a 4 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier that has the following 'issues':

Chronic ear infections*
Bacterial infections under his paws*
Scoots on his butt every single day..can't be normal
A spot on his right eye (can be a sign of hormonal imbalance)*

Possible joint issues. I say possible as his hind legs seem find, but he has had issues with walking / pain with them on occasion for now apparent reason. And they sometimes seems stiff and lame when lying down for long periods*

Also, the had developed some behavior issues. He only exhibits these on rare occasion:

Growling when touched, especially hind legs*
Some nervousness. Has scooted on occasion when being walked for no reason*

Circling / pawing at bed before settling down*

Now, these do not appear to be signs of the most common hypothyroidism symptoms but I have put a * at ones I have come across that are mentioned as symptoms from various sources. I have had him tested twice which consisted of a Total T4 and Canine TSH test. The first set of results were are followings:

Total T4: 17.4 nmol/l
TSH: 2.02 ng/ml

I was advised the total T4 is normal, but the TSH is high suggesting the pituitary gland is over stimulating production.

The second test 3 months later still showed over stimulation of the TSH but I have't picked up the results yet. It was lower, but still around twice what you would expect according to the vet. I was advised a normal reading is between 0.1 and 0.6 ng/ml.

They want to trial him on hormone replacement, but I have read the TSH test should not be used as confirmation of hypothyroidism so I am confused!

Any help appreciated, thanks.
I have no experience of this but I would say if you trust your vet then try what they say if you don't then go and get a second opinion from another vet. Some of the symptoms your listing ear infections, scooting on bum, infections under paws sound like an allergy/intolerance to something which I know are common in staffys, obviously I am not a vet and haven't seen your dog but I would stick with the vets opinion and ideas.