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Husky Dumped


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A three months Husky was dumped in a cardboard box in London :( :rant:

Three months old Husky was discovered when a woman investigate what she thought was rubbish being dumped by a man outside her house.

RSPCA was called who took the pup to the vets where it was found to have a broken leg.They have called him Monty,he will be looking for a good loving home when he is fully recovered.

[SIZE=14pt]how can people do this,it makes me so mad[/SIZE] :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Oh dear, poor pup :luck:
How can people be so cruel...its getting worse. :angry: :rant:
That's awful :( , Poor Monty hope he finds a good home soon :luck:

As for the person who dumped him :rant: :rant: :rant:

Perhaps another poor Xmas present reject :rant: :rant: makes me sick and so angry that people treat animals in this manner - poor pup he looks a lovely little chap and I very much hope he finds a special life long home as soon as possible. I would like to string up the previous owners and break their legs.
The poor mite, hope he finds a loving home soon :( :luck:

Ok Can someone delete this thread or hide it or sumat cos my Mum's gona mither the living daylights out of my Dad for this dog I just know it! :- "
:wub: Aww isnt he just gorgeous too... what kind of people do this to a defencless baby animal - its a disgrace :rant: :rant:

my sister in law has just been getting a siberian husky pup too - shes called Boo and about 15 weeks so near enough the same age too.

Hope this one finds a loving home for life this time. :luck: :thumbsup:
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Poor wee Monty :( people make me sooooo MAD!! :rant:

How about catching up with his previous owners and breaking their legs! I think that is very just! :D
What makes me sooooo angry is that they only have to take it along to the RSPCA and they would take care of it. WHY, just dump it. :rant: :rant: :rant:
What a beautiful puppy :wub: ,,he will find a good home no bother :huggles:

Let the last owner rot in hell :rant: :rant: :rant:
:( poor baby :(

it feels like a losing battle :( for every decent owner, there seems to be 10 bad'uns :angry: if someone could do that to an innocent puppy....
He looks sooo cure too! :wub: People are horrible :rant: :rant: :rant:
Poor little boy :( I hope he finds a loving home soon :luck: :luck:

People are so ignorant & cruel :rant: :rant:
05whippet said:
Poor wee Monty  :(   people make me sooooo MAD!!  :rant:
How about catching up with his previous owners and breaking their legs! I think that is very just! :D

Errrmmm, dont suppose you work for jerry adams do ya, lol
What gets me too is these dogs dont come cheap at all to buy from a breeder, why would someone pay that much for a dog them dump it. :rant:

this has me really puzzled. :unsure:
I just think these kinds of people are as thick as 2 short planks, need their heads knocking together- duh duh :oops:
he is soooooooooooooooo cute it aint fair how people treat animals wot do they get out of it?it makes me sick 2 think that my dog died last year yet their is still people out there who actually TRY to kill there dog it is discusting they shouldnt b alowed to own any animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately they are high in the cute factor. There are a lot of them being bred and a lot are finding their way into rescue.

Husky x Malamute's are being puppy farmed from what I've heard.
wild whippies said:
The poor mite, hope he finds a loving home soon :(   :luck:
Ok Can someone delete this thread or hide it or sumat cos my Mum's gona mither the living daylights out of my Dad for this dog I just know it! :- "

oh hes gorgeous isnt he! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: hmmmm wonder if i could fit him in somwhere here? :- "
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