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Hunting To Continue!

Mark Roberts

The Ringmaster
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It's just been on the news that due to the Legal Action by the Countryside Alliance to the ban on hunting, The Government have decided to put off the start date of the ban till after the Courts ruleing which they recon could take as long as till after the winter of 2005?
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Sure, they've been looking for any excuse to put it on the back-burner until safely after an election.
Helena said:
Sure, they've been looking for any excuse to put it on the back-burner until safely after an election.
Yes your right ...........I wonder why they think that'll help them ??.....Prehaps they think were all stupid and will forget (w00t) ........Good new's that it's been put off for a while longer though :D
Our leaders should sort crime , education, pensions out first etc.The 7 year saga of debate must of cost 1000s of hours in manpower, what a farce.Everyone must realise the delay is so the election campaign is not distracted.
Hopefully this is a way of the Government unbanning hunting through the back door, they have apessed the Antis but implementing a ban now hopefully they are doing the u-turn everyone was hopeing for.
Someone explained to me that there is a law which can be used to ensure hunting continues while there is a legal challenge. Assuming that this is what the CA are now using, how come the government are making it look like they are being generous?!

Isn't it strange how things are reported.

Hopefully this will be "the start of the end" for the Hunting ban regardless of the reason.

But it does just show that The Goverment isn't daft enough to force the ban with the Election booked for May 2005.

But do they realy beleave the Countryside will forgive and support them? "I THINK NOT"
Do they really know what they are doing anyway. I think NOT!! :rant:
Helena said:
Sure, they've been looking for any excuse to put it on the back-burner until safely after an election.
Yes your right ...........I wonder why they think that'll help them ??.....Prehaps they think were all stupid and will forget (w00t) ........Good new's that it's been put off for a while longer though :D
Of course they think we're stupid. That's the whole attitude of this government - everyone else is stupid except them. That's why it's become such a nanny state, because we're apparently all too stupid to know what we're doing :wacko:
Mike from Hereford said:
Our leaders should sort crime , education, pensions out first etc.The 7 year saga of debate must of cost 1000s of hours in manpower, what a farce.
I think Mr Blair must regret ever taking that £1000 from the League against Cruel Sports!
They make me laugh - releasing this little nugget just before Christmas when most people are pre-occupied and there is no chance of any embarrassing political programmes on TV as the schedules are full
Can anyone follow what's going on anymore?! :-

Sunday Telegraph 26.12.04

We'll fight hunt ban delay, says the animal rights lobby

By Melissa Kite and Tony Freinberg

(Filed: 26/12/2004)

Animal rights groups have joined forces to stop a last-minute attempt by the Government to delay its own hunting ban.

The League Against Cruel Sports, the International Fund for Animal Welfare and the RSPCA have taken legal advice on lodging their opposition to a stay of execution on a hunting ban.

The Government caused anger and amazement among anti-hunt campaigners last week when it announced that it would not oppose the injunction, being sought by the Countryside Alliance.

Lord Goldsmith, the Attorney-General, said that he would allow the alliance's application to go unchallenged.

Constitutional specialists said that it was unprecedented for a government not to resist legal moves to scupper its own recently passed acts.

Ministers have secretly dubbed the move a "cunning plan" to avoid clashes with hunt supporters, but critics also say it is a ploy to help the Government avoid mass breaches of the law, due to come into effect on February 18, in the run-up to a possible spring general election.

Mike Hobday, of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "We find what the Government is doing absolutely extraordinary. It must be the idea of some bright spark in Downing Street who thought this up without properly considering the consequences."

Carol McKenna, of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said: "If an injunction is applied for, we will look into ways that we can oppose it. It would be a very strange scenario if we went to court to defend the Parliament Act and the Government didn't, but it's one that might happen."

At a hearing in the High Court on January 25, the Countryside Alliance will argue that the Hunting Act is invalid because it was passed using the Parliament Act of 1949, which some lawyers maintain is invalid.

If it loses, as is expected, it will apply for an injunction delaying the Hunting Act pending appeals to the Court of Appeal and, if necessary, the House of Lords.

Sir Gerald Kaufman, the anti-hunt Labour MP, said: "There are a lot of people who can oppose the injunction. I will seek to table an urgent question to the Attorney-General as soon as Parliament returns. I cannot think of a precedent for this."
I really can't see how 3rd parties such as LACS, RSPCA et al can oppose an injuction against the government. I fairly sure there is no precedent for that.

If the government offers no resistance against an injunction and the injunction is tecnically correct then it is unlikely to be rejected.

As in my previous post the anti's will be furious over the delay but it has happened over Christmas so no one is taking notice and I suspect the government is hoping for a done deal before any embarassment and will try to gloss over it until the election takes centre stage.

Many of the Labour MPs who are anti won't be in the next government no matter what as they are not for reselection - Tony Banks, Gerald Kaufman, Terry Lewis are all out and hence are loose cannons at present. The rest will do as Downing St tells them if they fancy future employment.
Well Cerito,

I think that just shows what a pathetic bill our fantastic Government tried to implement?

they bring in a ban then try to step back and have nothing to do with it?
