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Hunting .... Anyone Hunt/views Please


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just wondering if any of you horse people hunt during the winter months? and what are your views (i dont want any arguments thou!)

Our first Cubbing meet at our local hunt (Rockwood Harriers) is in 2 weeks i cant wait. ive been getting the horses fit for the last few weeks..... i cant wait! (w00t) (w00t)

but ... of course we are only drag hunting! :thumbsup:
I do have horses but i do not ride with the hunt. However we are regulars at the Fitzwilliam Hunt meets and follow them for the day as often as we can. I cant wait for cubbing to start.

We ourselves run lurchers and a harrier hound so we are definately pro hunting.

Good luck for the coming hunting season. :thumbsup:
2006 OPENING MEET - first time out on my youngster, hes now ready for a full seasons hunting (says Kim with very empty pockets due to subscription rise!!)



I point-to-point race my horses and so they have to hunt to qualify to race. Currently the minimum amount of times they have to go is only 4 - it used to be 7 up until a couple of seasons ago.

I took one of my horses out on Saturday - first 'drag cubbing' meet! Didn't stay out long as I'd just sold the horse and he was being vetted on the same day. He's gone now so I'm down to just one horse again... phew!!!!!

I live in an area which is surrounded by farmland belonging to a pheasant shooting estate so the foxes are numerous - good pickings especially now when the young birds have been released. I have noticed how the fox numbers have increased over the last couple of years and that they are becoming braver and far more likely to be seen out in the open than before.

This could become difficult as I have seen a fox take a cat before now and it worries me that this could happen. I always keep my cats in at night to avoid any disasters.

Foxes have a natural predator in wolves but us humans have seen to it that there are no wild wolves roaming around the countryside anymore so the fox has only one main predator left now ....... the car!!!!!

I've seen more dead foxes on the roads than I have ever seen caught by hounds ........ in fact I think I have only ever seen one fox caught by a hunt in my whole life (w00t) although I realise they do catch alot more :oops:

Everyone to their own, I say. I don't agree with city folk who keep their dogs in tower blocks and only walk them up the road and back to pee on lamp posts but it would be an infringement on their human rights to ban them from doing this and I bet some of these dogs are really well looked after and want for nothing (other than exercise).

I expect this thread will provoke a few contrary opinions - look forward to hearing them :D
to be honest i dont have any strong views either in opposition or pro hunting, but i do REALLY enjoy the sing song and **** up after the hunt!
Our first cubbing meet is th 19th I can't wait soooooooooooo excited, only got two days at the end of last season as I had only just bought the horse. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) :D
tinker* said:
Either Lamerton or Spooners & West Dartmoor but have been known to go out with Eggesford or the Dartmoor on occasions!

Think I like Spooners best because their country is predominantly Dartmoor and we move on alot more than the inland packs - which helps when you're on a loaded TB (w00t) (w00t)
rach125 said:
sorry to be thick but what is cubbing?:blink:

Just introducing new hounds to the job. Before it was banned it was the time for young foxes (cubs), young hounds and novice horses to learn the ropes!!

It is called cubbing up until the Opening Meet which is around the end of October.

It is permissable for riders to wear hacking jackets with coloured stock or tie for

cubbing but from Opening Meet onwards you should wear full hunting attire with a white stock :cheers: :thumbsup:
before they banned hunting they called it Cubbing which now is known as Autum hunting/hound exercise.

Cubbing, etc is a shorter version of a hunt, with some small jumps to help get the horse and hounds fit, train the young hounds to work, and to disperse foxcubs over a wider area.
:( Sadly no hunting these days for me but I hunted from being a child. Firstly with the Haydon and odd times the Tynedale then when we moved I hunted for many seasons with the Morpeth, much of it qualifying pointers. Last day I had was with the Percy the year before the ban. Still miss it.

Hope you have a good season.
Oh rite thanks for the info! you learn something new every day :b . Best of luck with the new season everyone
i havent hunted for a few years, i hunted with wynnstay and also worked for the masters there for many years, i want to take my 4yr old daughter to the open meet this year just to watch and catch up with old friends, im really looking forward to it :D
OEH said:
tinker* said:
This'll be my first season with the Old Berks, was with the VWH when I lived with my parents

my cousin hunts with old berks, i dont hunt but im horsey but have no horse at moment :( . im into showing! liz sponsers a hound for me and i occationally go down on hunt days usually for the hunt breakfast when she is having it at her house!
I have had horses but sadly never hunted :( always said I was going to but don't think I would have had enough bottle :- "

I used to follow the East Essex and loved seeing the hounds out being exercised and horses being got fit before hunting started :thumbsup:

Boxing day was my favourite meet of the season.

god damned Foot n Mouth have halted things in my neck of the woods!