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Humpy mchump ?! Dog Keeps Humping Everything


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HEY !!!

Oh gawd this is embarrassing to be writing about haha but my pup is turning into Humpy McHump. Seriously nothing in my room is safe from his romantic ways. Is there any way of getting him to stop other than pushing him away or squashing him until he gives up and falls asleep? :p

My pup is a cross one. Like a mixed cross, not angry one xD But is kinda boxer like and so cute it's hard to stay angry at him.

He hardly ever humps things that aren't mine :/ So I'll take tips on how to get him to switch to my brothers things if that's the best I can do haha


tee hee! Dogs have no shame, they just do stuff they like and thats that.

How old is he? And has he been neutered yet? I'd maybe give him a squirt with a water bottle or keep a squeeezy bottle with pebbles in to shake at him, to make him jump... Or sacrifice one object like a teddy that he can hump away at... :)

Hopefully its just a phase he'll pass through, someone else will come along soon with a better explanation or suggestion of some other course of action i'm sure.

Good luck!
Thanks both

I don't know if he was neutrered or not or exactly how old he is :ermm:

We got him off some people who couldn't lok after him anymore. We think hes about 2 years old.

He likes water squirtin he thinks its a game as we shower or bath him and play games with the water haha. I could try making the noise thing.
Sorry for the questions but whether or not he's been neutered does make a difference. Does he have testicles?
Do you encourage him by laughing at him? You must be kind but firm with him - take hold of his collar, with a firm "no" then distract him with one of his own toys. It's a bad habit that you will need to work on to stop.
I couldn't agree more. It is a bad habit and usually, dogs do it because from over excitement, not sexual urges.

It may be tempting to laugh at him, but it really isn't funny. Sooner or later, he'll start doing it with people, and worse, children, if he gets the chance and if he's a Boxer cross, I'm assuming he's a fairly big dog?

I would remove anything he's in the habit of 'humping' out of his reach and when you even think he's going to try and do it, step in with a very firm "No" and keep saying it until he gets the message. Don't even let him get started.

If he hasn't been castrated, I would have a chat to your vet about getting him done.
crikey, i thought you meant an actual puppy! You are going to have be tough with him, good advice from the other two, ignore my teddy suggestion! Good luck!
The other alternative to ignoring him is to pre-empt when he's going to do it and distract him by engaging him in another activity, like a little training session which will focus him away from his wanton ways. Could you teach him a combination skill or trick that really challenges him and get him to chill that way, or a 'chill' command?

Giving him lots of attention, turning it into a game (shrieking, shouting at him, chasing him around and the like may be negative attention, but they're still attention!) and the like will only make him worse unfortunately, so he needs to learn that he will get attention for STOPPING doing it, but not for humping.

I wouldn't use a 'no' for him actually as I don't find the word 'no' to be that helpful in a lot of instances. The sound comes up so often in human conversation which has nothing to do with the dog that I think it gets a bit diluted so that the dog doesn't know which 'no' refers to them and which 'no' is just part of conversation or on TV or the radio. I have a multi-purpose 'no' command which goes from a little 'ah-ah' in the back of my throat for normal conversational direction to a very sharp single 'AH' at she who must be obeyed tone for when she needs bringing back into line. This includes when she needs unpleasant behaviour interrupting.

Does he get enough exercise BTW? If he's got more energy than he's burning off then that won't help any of his training or keeping him under control in the house.

All of these things are likely to be a bit easier to use if he's been neutered, so please do check. If he's shorthaired then checking should be very simple and clear. When he's got his back to you either his testicles are likely to be pretty clear when he's standing up, and the absence of testicles should also be pretty clear. Neutering doesn't solve all problems and in some dogs doesn't solve any problems at all, but the likelihood is that he will start to calm down faster when he's not got wall to wall testosterone running through his system.

Please give him a big snuggle off me :)