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hello all

proablies a stupid question to post but just wonder what your opinions are?

yesterday we were at my mams and i was sat on the couch minding my own and harley was scratching my leg,so i stroked him and then got up fro a drink harley then ran after me i was like whats wrong harley? he looked at my,so i walked back into the livig room and to only feel harley got on my leg and started humping ! :- " heheh bless him.i got a bit embarrased :wub: as my family were there lol, i got him off and said not on mammy harley! anyway i sat down and he tried again :oops: , whats this a sighn of? he wants a bitch? sorry for babbling on

whats your opinions?

maz xx
:lol: I did some online research into dog body language recently, because our friend's Bichon keeps humping Lola the whole time - head end, bottom end, any which way!

Apparently humping can be interpreted as a non-sexual behaviour that is one dog showing his allegiance to another. Maybe Harley is just showing you that his allegiance is firmly with you! :lol:

Aw, maybe you'll have to distract him with a great fun game, or a pig's ear, or something :huggles:
~Helen~ said:
:lol: I did some online research into dog body language recently, because our friend's Bichon keeps humping Lola the whole time - head end, bottom end, any which way! Apparently humping can be interpreted as a non-sexual behaviour that is one dog showing his allegiance to another. Maybe Harley is just showing you that his allegiance is firmly with you! :lol:

Aw, maybe you'll have to distract him with a great fun game, or a pig's ear, or something :huggles:

thanks for your post!

awwwwwww i think that is so sweet, his loyalty is with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooo honoured (how sad am i? lol) :b

i am so proud of harley,he has been with us 3 months now and he is one of the family! he has come on leaps and bounds since he has come to us and i am so pleased and proud to say he is mine,

maz xx
mazncarey said:
Janimal said:
How old is he again Maz- ??
hey hunn
harley is 13 months old, will trn 14 months on the 1st september

how are you?

maz xx

I think you said he was an only dog - am I right?? He had probably reached his teenager stage :lol:

my Oscar tries to hump my brother in law when he comes - but he owns Boo a Siberian husky bitch and I think Oscar knows this. :- " and smells her.

and at the other end of the scale Boo humps my hubby when she sees him - probably becaue she smells Oscar too. :lol:

I think as Helen says distracting im with something or a Firm NO will help him to know you are not pleased with his actions.
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