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Huge Thanks!!

wild whippies

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Arrived at Champs on Sunday after scary drive over Woodhead pass with flooded roads feeling a tad stressed and after weighing in the hounds I drive onto field for a much earned brew, or so I thought...

Marie, Graham, Wendy and Tony are all shouting me over all excited :teehee:

So there's me thinking heyup someone's got a new puppy or Wendys been doing something pink to a kickboard whereby they manhandle me and make me close my eyes. :blink:

Just as I'm begining to think someone's made something involving pom-poms and half a ton of glitter I opened my eyes to see this......


How chuffed was I?? VERY! :D

Can't believe Marie went to all this effort just for me and my lad. She said she wanted to do something as a thank you for all the photos I do but this was a bit over the top Marie!!! (w00t) Not that I'm complaining mind!!!!

Sneaky mare :shifty: Has apparently been in cahoots with Vicky and nicked one of my piks!! :ph34r:


I suppose I'll let the copyright thing slip just this once!! (w00t)

Thanks ever so much Marie, don''t think I could ever repay you for this!!! :wub:

I should add my photo doesn't do it much justice as I had to play dodge the flash with the reflection but it is brilliant! :thumbsup:
Bet you were chuffed to bits Jac. It's smashing. Clever girl Marie.
well your reation to the pic maid me cry and marie aswell shes very talanted and the pic is even better in person. oh and whats the pink fluffy glitter and pompoms I dont know anyone who does stuff like that lol
i like that :thumbsup: would love one of my dog,
What lovely thing to do, of one of my favourite dogs to the gorgeous Dobs, always knew you were a clever lady Marie but did'nt know you were this talented, I can see a lot of requests coming your way, a really beutiful painting.
Thats's so good, what a lovely thing to do well done Marie and of course Jac cos you do a brill job with the pics for us too :thumbsup:
Marie is one special lady.A talented artist & will help anyone. Also my personal nurse lol.can't wait for the bedbath :teehee:
Must admit Jac,Yvonne and I had a sneak preview on Sunday,before you arrived,and when Graham opened the van,I was amazed (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) to say the least :lol: Remeber thinking it's the photo enlarged (w00t) Knew Marie was a talented artist,but think she's more than excelled herself this time :thumbsup: and what a time to do just that :thumbsup: I know this gift is from you and Graham,Marie,but Jac you'll find all us whippeteers,heartfelt thanks in that painting for the all the work you've done.Just so that we can sit here and enjoy our dogs exploits over and over again :thumbsup: Big,big,BIG Well Done Marie :thumbsup: